Cold Hands, Warm Heart

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"I don't have time for your sanctimonious platitudes Aceblade" Rhewlette shouts and throws one of her cold bombs at Aceblade. Aceblade dodges to his left but slips to the ground clumsily as his right foot slips on the frost laden concrete. Aceblade crashes to the ground but manages to grab the front bumper of a car parked along the street, preventing him from sliding into the small crowd of watching tourists along the store front. The alarms continue to blare as Rhewlette's cold bomb splatters on the ground like a water balloon spreading a viral frost on everything it touches. Scattered screeches scar the scene under a blanket of bright bouncing blinkers. Aceblade surveys the scene to make sure no one was touched by the killer frost. Rhewlette makes a break for it. From her kneeling position she turns on the ice easily and sprints in the other direction like an Olympic runner. "Hasta luego Aceblade!" Her speed is incredible and her footing is unaffected by the smooth and jagged ice scattered around the landscape. She leaps over Aceblade's motorcycle easily, grabbing the handle and toppling it over as she tries to make her escape. Aceblade tries to stand but slips on the smooth ice underneath his feet. As Rhewlette creates more distance down the Vegas City strip, Aceblade slides his feet inch by inch, like an adolescent trying to learn how to skate. The crowd begins to cheer as Aceblade reaches stable footing and races towards the Chopper, lifting it up off of the ground and cranking the engine in one motion. The slick ice is no match for Aceblade's thick ridged tires. He quickly locates and closes the gap between him and Rhewlette. Her glowing blue pulsating gauntlets stick out in the evening light like a bad April fool's joke. She turns into a side street but Aceblade rips the corner right behind her.

"I got you!" Rhewlette says as Aceblade rounds the corner and she springs her trap. The icy torrent pours from her snow white gloves. The ice grips the front wheel of the Chopper and it bucks like a Rodeo bull, sending Aceblade soaring through the air. The Vegas vigilante flips in midair like a cat falling from a tree, kicks one foot against the wall, and forces his body toward Rhewlette before she can react.

"Oomph!" The sheer force of the tackle would be enough to make LumberJax proud. Aceblade collides with Rhewlette. As they fall to the ground, Aceblade grips her right wrist and twists it so that her pulsating gold gloves can't make him into a popsicle. A loud moan erupts from Rhewlette as Aceblade presses his right knee into her ribs, causing her arch he back in defense. Aceblade forces her gloved hand up under her torso while maintaining control of her other hand with is. He can feel the cold, metal implants covering her spine pressing down on his hand in-between her back and his hand which is clenching her wrist as she lay on the empty alleyway street.

"You were supposed to be one of the good ones Anabel" Aceblade grunts as he straddles her waist and forces her arms to the ground in frustration. Rhewlette turns her face to her left, not even wanting to face the masked vigilante. "You could have done some real good in this city and now look at you!" Aceblade quickly shifts to one knee and jerks her body, hoisting her up onto his shoulder in one motion, all the while maintaining control of her arms as to not put his self in their line of fire. Aceblade grabs both of her wrists with one hand reaches into a pocket on his belt for restraints before sitting the middle aged woman down on his bike which is frozen into place. "I'm taking you to jail this time." Aceblade says through clenched teeth as he yanks the connective tubing from Rhewlette's gloves and restrains her hand in front of her. Rhewlette finally looks at Aceblade with a scowl that could melt butter. He mixed countenance if filled with disappointment and frustration. Her brown eyes and furled brow grab Aceblade's attention and he shouts. "Do you have something you want to SAY TO ME!"

Aceblade slams his fists down against the seat of his motorcycle just behind Rhewlette, but she doesn't flinch. Her frustration matches his anger as her nostrils flare, and her lips furl and quiver.

"You honestly think you're helping don't you!" Rhewlette finally breaks her silence and presses her freckled forehead up against Aceblade's chin. She tries to push his away from her with her head, but he matches her force with his own. "You'll stop me but you won't do anything about these fat cats feeding off of the people you act like you're protecting!"

"I'm killing myself out here Rhew!" Aceblade flexes his muscles and shouts. Rhewlette huffs and turns her head away from Aceblade, physically upset at his willful ignorance. "You could be helping me! But nah, you want to be some Robin Hood." Aceblade finally relaxes a bit and softens his tone. "The tourists come and go. You know as well as anyone that there are people here who have sold their souls for this crap." Aceblade passionately pleas as he rips a sack of gold coins from Rhewlette's waist and discards it against the wall behind him. The clanging coins scatter all along the alleyway as Aceblade continues.

"Riddle me this Rhewlette, how many times have you given this money that you risked your life for away, only to see that person right back in the casino a week later? Or trying to make some kind of deal with Gutshot?" Aceblade tilts his neck a little to attempt eye contact with Rhewlette and his tone shifts to a soft plea. Her big brown eyes meet his goggles as the look of frustration starts to melt away. He continues. "We have to prove to people that it is possible to live better. That's the only way they can be sure, is to see it in us."

"So I guess this is the part where we kiss and make up." Rhewlette says sarcastically as she acts like his platitude didn't affect her. Aceblade breathes deeply and then turns to speak into the reciever hidden inside of his mask.

"Are you there?" Aceblade says out loud to Lady Luck, who is back at the base monitoring his mission, and serving as his guardian angel.

"You tried." She replies as Aceblade grabs the restraints and ties them to the dumpster along the side of the building.

"There is no try, contact Kerck with her location. I'm not waiting around here." Aceblade replies as he kicks at the ice that has snared his front wheel. He manages to get the wheel free and hops onto the Chopper without looking back at Rhewlette. He has other business to attend to tonight.

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