It Was Just A Game...

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Tommy and John were talking. Tommy and John were about 10. They loved to play hide and seek. John's mother told Tommy to never play in the shed that lay beyond the fence, for that shed is nasty. Tommy thought it was weird to just be telling him this instead of both of them. But curious as little children are, they walked to the shed.

Its paint and windows were cracked. There were holes in the roof. And a sound of trickling water never stopped. They knocked on the door just to see if someone was there. No one answered but the door creaked open slightly. The two boys look at each other and thought

Isn't this usually what happens in horror movies?

They entered the shed and saw nothing but a bunch of dusty boxes. As they moved in closer something fell behind them.

"Dude. Turn around and see what fell," said Tommy

"No! Wait? Are you scared?" Asked John

"No," said Tommy "I'm just... to lazy... and..."

"No you are scared. Fine watch me." John turned around and started to walk forward. "Look Tommy, there is nothing here!"

Tommy turned around and gasped. John was standing next to a white shadow. The shadow just stood there next to John. Tommy was scared out of his life hoping that John would also see this thing.

Tommy pointed to the left of John and said nothing. John looked to where Tommy pointed to and said, "What? What are you pointing at? Oh! This? Well... this is Jackle. He was my best friend growing up. You don't remember him do you Tommy? We used to play hide and seek all the time. I always used to say you never found another person. You always got mad every time.

"Now he is here. You can see him. You see," John starts to walk around Tommy frozen in fear. "Jackle always used to come to your bedroom at night and watch you sleep. He would report back to me about your favourite things just so I knew. I didn't have many friends growing up. I always got bullied and ignored. No one liked me. So I came home stressed and so tired of how I was being treated and well... that's for another time. But then I met Jackle. He was the best friend I ever had until I herd that your family was moving in. Oh! And do you know why I can't come over half the time. We can only play at my house because my mother loves you. She misses having a child around"

John stood in front of Tommy face to face. "You mean... you mean your d-dead" Tommy stuttered.

"Of course stupid. Why do you think my mother only told you not to come here? Why do you think people ask who you are talking to? You are probably wondering how i died. I killed myself. I found my father's revolver and pulled the trigger." John turned around and showed Tommy the bloody gaping hole in the back of his head.

"You can't be dead."

"Ah! But I am. So Tommy how about a game of hide and seek. You can hide and I will find you."

"No. Please John. No"

"Jackle go get the knife. I want to make this game as hard as possible. Cut him up and put him everywhere." Yelled John

This is the best hide and seek game I have ever had.

Tommy's screams were muffled so no one could hear. Most of the body parts of Tommy are still hidden. John is still trying to find his best friend.

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