The Bench

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"Hello?" I spoke into the phone, already shaking "Yes is this Miss Laura O'Brian?" "Sp-speaking" "This is Dr.Johnson from St. Frances' hospital. I have a phone call from miss Ashley Tisdale for you" "Yes! Yes please put her on." "I will but first I will inform you that it is not a torn ligament, therefore Ashley will not need surgery. She has had an x-ray and we are almost positive it is only a slight fracture. This will not need surgery but only a cast. She will be having further x-rays and check ups but nothing will happen until further notice. Shall I put her on?" he informs me, I felt like a giant weight had just been lifted off my shoulders "Yes, thank you. Please put her on" I say quickly then some ruffled noise at the end of the phone was heard ,

"Hello?" a pained and strained voice spoke at the other end of the phone "Hey Ashley, sweetie its me!" I cheer "Ohh Laura its so good to hear your voice!" the voice got lighter "Awh I miss you Ashley! I hope you're ok!" "I'm fine, chicken. Really! And they say I wont need surgery!" "I know! I heard! Ive been so worried" "Awh hun don't be! Im fine really! A little sore but much better that I get to hear you!" Ashley gigles "Awh thats so good to hear! I hope you're Ok! You should see the atmosphere around the school, its so different." I spoke deciding not to tell her Connor hasn't returned to school since the incident.

"Oh? Really? Well I will be out of here in a short while. I think I have to go babe." she sighs "Awhhh um..ok. Well we all really miss you especially Liam! And I have something to tell you on Saturday when I can see you." "Ooh ok well tell Liam I miss him and will see him soon! Don't you have your date with Harry tomorrow?" she asks "Um, yeah I do. Awh crap my battery's dieing. I better let you go, will send love to everyone!" "Kk! Bye hun see you Saturday. And, Laura, I'm fine" she assures me, I could nearly hear he smiling at the other side of the phonecall.

I grinned and hung up the phone. I looked around and Tom and Victoria had been listening the entire time, but i didn't care one bit. I explained to them what happened and they were overjoyed. We hugged and spent the rest of the night chatting.


I woke up to the buzz of my alarm going off and I tip-toed downstairs, attempting to avoid waking Victoria who was in a deep slumber on the couch. Tom walked home last night but by the time we were finished talking Vicky was too tired to drive home so I insisted she stay, but of course being Victoria she had to sleep on the couch and not 1 of the 2 spare beds we had. I brought my breakfast upstairs and put on a sleeveless red and blue, cheque top that tied at the front, light blue denim shorts and my white converse.

I threw my hair up in a messy bun, did my makeup, grabbed some sunglasses and headed out the door. I saw Tom on his bike and called him over. We walked the rest of the way to school, making plans for tomorrow about maybe going bowling after we visit Ashley. Going bowling was a very bad idea, we just didn't know it yet.


"So I'll see you in Spanish and we can alert the rest of the guys with the plans for tomorrow at lunch" Tom gave me a thumbs up and hopped back onto his bike "Yeah ok, sounds great!" I grin "Love you!!" his voice trails as he cycles off "Love you more!!" I shouted back to him, giggling. Some people think its weird how are group of friends always say 'love you' to one another, but I think its cute. We were a bit later arriving at the school than usual, probably due to our latenight talking session with non other than 'Queen V' last night. But ah well, yolo! I was snapped out of my thoughts when a big hand slipped into mine and yanked it, then spun me into a tall, muscly torso.

I was a little shocked but then excited when I saw that the head belonging to the torso was Danny's.

"Dan!"I giggle as he wraps his arms around my waist. "Come on" he smiles, his perfect straight white teeth showing, god I remember when he had braces. "But Danny, I!" I begin to protest trying to slip out of his grip, hiding my laughter. "No no no, come. Come with me" he grabs my hands and grins at me, how can I say no to those fantastic deep watery, blue eyes.

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