Chapter 2

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"Would you stop scowling at everyone, you're scaring everyone away." Trinity said with an irritated pout.

Alexander stood on one of her and Leo on the other, almost as if they were guarding her from some invisible force.

Alexander blow a break, making it known that he was not going to do what she wished, he didn't talk much. "I will not have my little cousin preyed upon by drooling predators." He said quietly before shutting his mouth and crossing his arms over his chest.

Leo grinned, "Don't look so upset, Trinity, you'll get married when you're about...eighty. Yes, that number sounds appropriate, don't you agree Alex?"

Alexander smirked but nodded his agreement. She stared up at the two of them incredulously. Her cousins had always been rather overprotective but ever since Angel had been kidnapped by her husband they had up the protective ante. She sighed, "Eighty? That's completely unfair! What about Lafayette? Are you guys doing this to her as well?"

"Of course, she's under the same rules. No husband until eighty." Leo said.

"You're all being ridiculous! We're of marriageable age!" Trinity snapped.

Alexander shrugged, "Not as long as you are our cousin, you're not."

Leo laughed at the quick remark and Trinity gasped, her temper simmering. "Well what about you two? You two flirt with women all the time, why are there no rules on either of your heads?"

They both looked down at her, grins on their faces. Leo spoke up, "We are, dear, gorgeous cousin, are a woman."

That was it, she did not care that they were in public. She did not care about the scandal it would case. She did not care about her anger and irritation exploding. She reached up on her tiptoes and smacked both of them, one after the other. Alexander winced, grabbing at the back of his head.

Leo dogged, seeing it coming. She moved forward and stepped on both of their feet with the heel of her new slippers. They both yelped, drawing more attention to the inappropriate, yet comical scene.

Leo cursed, "Ow! Shit!"

She smacked Leo on the back of the head and did the same to Alexander before storming off, "You stupid brutes!" She snapped as she made her way toward the balcony.

They both hopped around on their uninjured foot and rubbed at their throbbing heads. Leo hopped after her, "Damn it, Trinity! Wait, don't run off!"

Alexander mumbled underneath his breath, "Who's really the brute in this situation?" He said while rubbing the back of his head.

All eyes in the ballroom were watching them with genuine curiosity, some trying their hardest not to laugh and others scowling, the gossip mill already churning. Among the crowd stood a finely dressed Scottish man who had watched the scene with amusement. He had not seen such a fiery tempered girl in years and smiled as he remembered his deceased lover.

His eyes followed the beautiful, though fierce tempered girl as she moved through the crowd and headed toward the balcony.

Curiosity got the best of him and he followed after her.

She stood at the balcony, leaning against the railing, her dress shinning against the moonlight. It was a haunting image and he paused for a moment, hope springing forward in his old heart. She could be his solution.

"Excuse me for interruptin' ya lassie." He mumbled so as not to startle her. His voice made her jump and she shrieked a little in shock but quickly laughed it off once she noticed the older man.

"Oh, my, you did surprise me. You're not interrupting me at all, I just needed some air is all." She said.

He nodded before moving beside her, "You seemed very upset back there, would you like to talk abot' it?" He asked, his voice soothing and riddled with a lovely Scottish accent.

She chuckled, "You saw that did you? Oh, I'm sure everyone saw it. This season is going to be awful now."

He frowned, "Were the two lads botherin' ya?"

She laughed, "They're my cousins and they're utterly insufferable. I just can't hold back once I get angry, you know! It's rather awful, I'll never get married this way, men will avoid me like the plague, and I'm sure of it!"

"I think your temper is rather refreshin' lassie."

She looked over at him and grinned, "You're incredibly sweet. But you mustn't flatter me so much, it runs in my family, this explosive temper. I try not to get angry, it's not very good for my image."

He laughed and she blushed.

"If men are too afraid of your temper than they ain't right for ya'."

"I suppose you're right. My mother has a much worse temper and she's happily married." She looked at him with a soft smile, "Between you and me I'm a romantic at heart but then again...aren't most girls?"

He tilted his head at her, "You want marriage than, lassie?"

She blinked at him, "Of course...though...don't tell anyone. Everyone assumes my head is in the clouds, you see and I'd much rather keep it that way."

"Trinity? Where are you? Come out already, we're sorry?"

Trinity turned toward the familiar voice before sighing, she supposed she had better stopped hiding and go and face them now that she had calmed down.

She smiled at the nice older man beside her with the soothing Scottish accent, "Thank you for the conversation, but I'm afraid I must go." She leaned down and pecked him on the cheek. His face turned beet red and as she headed for the door leading back into the ballroom he stopped her.

"I'm afraid I didn't get your name lassie?" He mumbled.

She paused before laughing, "How silly of me, my name is Trinity, Trinity Baudin."

Before he could say anything else her name was called again she hurried through the door, leaving him staring after her.

A smile crossed the man's face as his hopes soared. He had most definitely found exactly what he had been looking for.

"Trinity Baudin." He repeated, a smile growing on his lips as he realized that he had found the perfect match for his devil of a son.

Yes, she'd do wonderfully indeed..

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