Chapter 3

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"I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you, I just couldn't bring myself to leave the baby, and he's so adorable it hurts!" Lafayette said as she braided Trinity's hair.

Trinity sighed, "Oh, it's alright, just don't leave me with those two again. They told me I couldn't get married until I was eighty...what kind of nonsense are those two on?"

Lafayette giggled, "They told you that too? They're idiots those two, just ignore them, I know I do."

Trinity laughed. "I couldn't, they riled me up..."

Lafayette paused, "What did you do? What did they make do?"

"I kind of...Oh, I slapped them both and called them brutes!" She said as she buried her face in her hands.

Lafayette laughed hard. "Trinity!"

"I couldn't help it! I got angry! They did it on purpose and I know they did!"

"I believe you, I wouldn't put it past them. They refuse to let any more of us get married or kidnapped for that matter. But how silly a notion is that? We're not likely to get abducted at all. Everyone is just paranoid."

Trinity sighed, "But they could at least be courteous and not embarrass me in public for God's sake! Just thinking about it makes me upset all over again. Those asses!"

Lafayette laughed again before patting Trinity on the shoulder. "All finished." She muttered as she stood back and looked over her handiwork, admiring the long braid down Trinity's back.

"Thank you, Fay." Trinity said with a tired smile. "I'm tired from a night of doing nothing."

Lafayette smiled back at her. "You should be after being deprived by our male family members. I'm going to use the room across from yours, goodnight."

She walked out of the room, gently closing the door behind her. Trinity ran a hand down her face, glancing at herself in her mirror. Her caramel colored skin gleamed back at her, her curly hair tamed for the moment in its braid and her hazel eyes drooping back at her. She really was tired. She yawned before standing. She blew out the candle on her night stand and shrugged out of her robe before climbing into bed. And just before her eyelids fell her mind wandered back to the kind old man whom she had met that night.

Trinity was jolted awake as large rough hands jerked her forward. She opened her mouth to scream but a large hand covered her mouth, muffling her voice.

"Don't do it lassie, I'm not in the mood for any screeching. Just make this easy, why don't ya?" A deep husky male voice whispered against her ear, his accent thick.

She froze at the voice, her body shivering against her will. Once she overcame her shock though she began to squirm in the man's hold. It was much too dark to see the man's but she imagined him to be utterly unappealing and evil looking.

She twisted in his hold, biting down onto his hand. He yelp, pulling his hand back, cursing underneath his breath.

She managed to get a small squeak out before the man grabbed her by the face, his hand covering her mouth entirely.

He suddenly dragged her down the bed and tiptoed toward her window. He shoved her toward it and she her eyes widened in horror, thinking he was trying to kill her as her room was on the second floor.

"Don't make that face, I have someone down there to catch ya'." He mumble with humor in his voice. Just as he lifted her up she snatched away from his grip and screamed at the top of her lungs, hoping that someone would hear her.

"Help me! Papa! Mum! Lafay-mmh," he pushed her out of the window and her voice drowned out, fear clouding her delicate features as she fell down, down, imagining the worst.

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