Chapter 7

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Artair stared at Trinity with disbelief. The woman was persistent! He honestly couldn't believe that she was still here. He had been avoiding her for a whole entire week, ignoring her at every turn. And yet still she lingered, determined to teach him proper etiquette! He scowled, he did not need such things, and he knew how to was merely a matter of him choosing to do what he pleased.

And now as he stood, meeting Trinity's hazel orbs he knew he was trapped. He didn't think he could continue to avoid her. The look on her face was one filled with irritation.

"How long are you going to play this game, Artair?" She grumbled up at him. It was the first time he had heard her say his name, his stomach churned in a sensual way.

He couldn't deny that the woman was attractive, from her tanned caramel skin, to her long brown curly hair. She wasn't extremely voluptuous. Her breast looked big enough to fit in his hands, her hips were slim. Her lips...oh, they were soft...plump, totally kissable.

How long had it been since his last tangle in the sheets? A week? Five days? He didn't quite remember and he made a mental note to head into town and find a woman to satisfy his urges.

"Are you ignoring me?" Trinity screeched, proving that she had had just about enough of him.

Her voice pulled him back down to reality and he focused in on her before smirking. Since his original plan was not working, he did not see a reason to post pone plan b.

"I'm not ignorin' ya' lass. Not anymore anyway." He mumbled.

She narrowed her eyes, "What on earth does that even mea-," he cut her off by wrapping an arm around her waist and yanking up against him. The action made her gasp as the wind was knocked out of her.

She smacked into his chest like a rock hitting pavement. She groaned slightly, steading herself by placing a hand on his hard chest.

He had thought that if he ignored her long enough she would leave but since it was obvious that his plan was not working phase two was now in order: seduce her until she could take no more.

She was a prim and proper English lady, she'd leave before she let herself be compromised.

He grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her head back. She winced, reaching up to grab the hand that was pulling at her hair. And then he kissed her, smashing his lips against her with a rough aggressiveness that made her stagger backward. She fell back, tripping over her own feet, his arm around her tightening as he pulled her up closer. She cried out against his lips as his tongue delved into her mouth, hitting every corner.

Her eyes fluttered shut and she melted into him. He fingers dug into her hair and he yanked her head back, tilting her back, giving him better access.

She held on, unable to do much else. She felt as if her lungs would collapse from the lack of oxygen but she didn't care, she was too far gone. He nibbled along her lips, suckling her tongue. She thought she was melting....her body was so limp, relaxed and yet coiled up with an unknown tension that had her sighing.

"I see you two are getting along," Ailbeart mumbled from behind Trinity.

His voice brought everything crashing down and Trinity pulled away, sucking in oxygen, her face pink with desire and embarrassment. She ran out of his arms, nearly tripping over herself before exiting the room.

Artair licked his lips before meeting his father's amused eyes. "Do not look so happy, old man. I still do not intend to marry her, sleep with her....maybe, the thought is becoming more and more appealing."

Ailbeart scowled. "You need to stop this, Artair. What happened between your mother and I should not define your future happiness."

Artair froze up at the mention of his mother, his midnight eyes suddenly filled with rage.

"Don't you dare talk abot' my mother! You ave' no right! You left her, you compromised her and then you left her to come here, playing the perfect soldier to the king!"

"You do not know the whole truth! If you would just listen to me, let me explain! I loved your mother, God, I still do!"

"Enough! Stop! I don't want to hear your lies! Love is for the weak!" Artair bit out like venom.

"Son, if you would just listen to me...," Ailbeart tried once more only to be shoved passed as Artair headed for the door.

"Do not bring this up again and stop callin' me your son, you have never been a father to me."

Ailbeart reached for his wrist holding tight causing Artair to pause in his steps.

"Get your hand off me, old man." Artair said menacingly.

"That is not true, Artair. I sent for you, I've been sending for you for years! They wouldna' let me see you no matter how much I tried. I had to offer them mone-," Artair snatched his arm back, catching Ailbeart off guard.

"I do not believe you! Why? Why would they keep me away from you? If you loved me as much as you proclaim then why did you not fight harder? You're a liar and a manipulator and I refuse to humor you! Love is not real, you did not love my mother, you lusted after her, you let your sexual urges get the best of you and you compromised here and got her with child and then you left her! And you do not love me! Stop trying to convince me that you do and stop trying to convince me that love is a thing worth believing in."

Artair's chest was heaving with the force of his anger and hurt, his eyes burning as he met his fathers. They stared at each other for a moment before Artair turned and stormed out of the room, leaving Ailbeart to stare after his son with a broken heart and a pained chest.

This is not the way it was supposed to be.


Trinity cursed underneath her breath, a hand tentatively touching her kiss swollen lips. God, she had let him do it again! She had left herself open to the barbarian and his rough kisses. Kisses that left her feeling...tingly and hungry for...

She took a deep breath. She knew what happened between a man and a woman, her mother had never been shy on telling her about the potential pleasures of the bed. And thinking about it now, after being kissed so extremely hard...she felt weak.

He had kissed her hard, aggressive, as if he wanted her to yield to his embrace like a fallen enemy. She had to strengthen her resolve, she mussed.

She had been here for a week and yet nothing had progressed. The man had been avoiding her and she was sure of it. She blushed furiously as Ailbeart popped into her mind. The older man had saw them...he had walked in on them in the mist of such a rough yet passionate kiss. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment, she could only imagine what the man must have thought of her at this point.

She stood up straight, squaring her shoulders. She licked her lips and suddenly her mind drifted off once more as she remembered his lips on her tongue. The man had sucked on her tongue!

"Oh, God...," she breathed as the memory made her toes curl. This couldn't go on.

But she had agreed to a month and she was not one to break an agreement. And besides, if she left now Artair would just smirk at her in that arrogant way, knowing that he had won. She grit her teeth, she needed to rethink her plan of action.

She needed to attack this situation with a level of ruthlessness unbeknownst to her. What would her mother do this in this situation, she asked herself?

Artair needed to learn some manners and from the way he constantly kissed her without her permission...he needed manners now!

She tsked, trying to think of something in her head, a way to be alone with Artair without actually being alone with him...A small smile crept upon her face as it hit her.

*Comment, like and share! I honestly love how they act around each other!*

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