Chapter 52

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Michelle's P.O.V

"Shit" I cursed.

I house had paparazzi all over it. How stupid are they that they didn't think of the back?

I softly ran with ash and Dan behind me to the back of the house. The walls had ivy growing all over it but there was one part which covered a back gate. I quietly opened it and then closed it again. We ran to the garage and I quickly shut it and locked it.

I went right to the back and opened a trap door in the ground which led to the cellar. We had it specially built for times like these. We climbed down the stairs and literally ran through the dark and damp cellar. We ran up the stairs on the other side and I slowly and noiselessly opened the door to see Demi siting in the kitchen with a cup of tea. I grinned evilly and crawled out behind her. Suddenly I wrapped my hands around her neck and she screamed worse than bloody murder and kicked back with her heels but got nothing but air.

I was laughing so uncontrollably that I was gasping for air along with ash and Dan.

"Michelle" Demi whined.

"Sorry dem but you gotta agree that, that was priceless" I said

I could see a smile tugging at the corner of Demi's lips.

"You know you wanna" I teased and she just started laughing.

I slowly picked myself up and made sure all the doors were locked.

I made Demi hear the recording as well.

"Per-fect" Demi quoted and made all of us laugh more.

I heard my phone ring and I instantly checked the caller ID to see that it was Jade.

"I'll just take this guys" I said and walked up to my room.

"Hello?" I said

"Hey Michelle, how are you?" I heard Jade say

"I'm good. You?" I asked lying right through my teeth.

"Michelle?" She asked


"You're a terrible liar" and we both laughed

"I know you're hurting from what Niall did" she said

"Jade you have no idea of what's even been going on lately" I said

"Then tell me baby"

"Fine" and with that I told her everything

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!!" She screamed

"I don't think I would in such matters Jade"

"Listen. If Niall doesn't call you in 2 more days then we'll beat him up ok?"

"No" I said

"Why?" She whined

"Cuz I wanna do it" I simply said

She just laughed

"Why did he do it?" I asked

"He was drunk mich but we'll ask him if you want"

"No. I'll ask him. If he doesn't call in 2 days then I'll call him but I'll leave out the main stuff" I said

"Ok. As you wish.

"I gotta go Jade. It was great talking to you again"

"Same here babe"

"Bye. Take care and I love you" I said

"Bye. You take care as well and I love you too" and with that I cut the call

I walked back down to be confronted by Demi.

"Who was it?" She asked giving me a look as if asking if it was Niall.

"Jade" I said


"Put on any movie. I'll make popcorn for us" Demi said.

I put on the amazing Spider-Man, don't ask why, I find Andrew Garfield very hot.

"Why are we watching this?" Dem sighed from the kitchen

"Oh hush. You'll thank me once you see the actor" I smirked

30 minutes into the movie and Demi said, "OMG he is FIIIIINNNEEEEE"

And we all laughed at her.

"He's too old for all of us dem" I said while she huffed.

My phone rang again and I saw the caller ID. It was Niall........














Hey guys. Don't know what to say for an authors note so I'm just gonna say

Please vote, comment and fan.

If you comment then I'll either give you a shout out in my next chapter or a dedication.


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