Anime Reviews

38 3 6

Cory in the house:
It being one of the most overrated animes, it has a predictable plot and not-so-surprising plot twist where Cory-San's girlfriend is actually alive. Pretty much the entire fandom had already predicted it. I mean, in the episode where they showed Cory's diary, it had an entry saying "my girlfriend is alive" not impressed. The animation's half decent, and the lip syncing is really, really off.
(I'll give it credit for making Cory-San a well rounded character though)

The Bee Movie:
Alright, I'm going to be completely honest... The Bee Movie is my favorite anime of all time. The animation, the characters, the voices, AND BERRY-CUN IS SO HOT!!! I can't believe so many people underrate this anime. Each episode is intense and it has one of the most best developed relationships of all time. Vanessa Bloome and Berry Bee Benson are literally OTP and you can't say anything against that. You can't say that this movie is bad, because if you do then I will find you and I will force you to watch the whole Bee Movie anime in one sitting and describe how beautiful their relationship is.

Paw Patrol:
Though the animation could be better, this anime is extremely interesting. I enjoy the plot, characters, and drama. I feel like the drama can get a little too far. Such as when Chase-Sama (the German Shepard) told Everest (the Husky) his true feelings. I mean seriously, Ryder (the human) is obviously in love with Chase-Sama!

It's very rare for me to like anime that's really hyped. This one, however, is an exception. Shrek is a creative, beautiful anime, that has a complex plot and beyond amazing characters. Donkey catches my eye though. I really love his internal struggle to find a way to confess to Shrek that he loves him. I gotta admit though, Fiona has really bad character. She's the Mary Sue of Mary Sues. While it's boring to see Fiona and Donkey cat fight over Shrek, this anime's got my O.K.

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