The Tragic Story of Forbidden Love: The Prequal Part 1

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War. War never changes.
Mike had more pressure on him then ever. His duty as a soldier in Arendelle's army had left Olaf alone at home, waiting for his love to return from the war.
"How's it going cyclops?"
Mike snapped out of his daydream and stared at the purple dotted monster.
"Hey Sull." Replied the one eyed monster.
James P. Sullivan had been Mike Wazowski's best friend since college. Despite him always being a troublemaker, Mike knew he would always have his back. Even after they were both expelled.
"Are you okay?" Said a concerned Sulley.
"Just fine..."
"Well good, cause we're arriving soon"
"Uh huh....great"
And with that, Mike drifted into a deep sleep.

* * * *

Olaf walked silently towards the kitchen to cook dinner.
Dinner for one tonight. He thought. The snowman opened the oven to see a misplaced bag of flower with the name "Dion" written in marker.
Fantastic. Now I know I really am losing it. He thought.
Olaf then cooked a snow pie for dinner. He took it out the oven and ate it mindlessly.
"Is this cannibalism?" He said.
Olaf shrugged and continued to eat his powdery, frozen water pie.
He chewed on the same piece for a while until something caught his eye.
The mail.
He looked through all the junk mail, countless magazines about a new hit book named Shiz.
What kind of stupid idea is that? I doubt it would even surpass a hundred reads. He thought as he grimaced at the article.
He finally reached what he was looking for in the first place. A letter from the Arendelle Marines.
He cut it open immediately and read the words inside. They read,
Dear Olaf,
I'm currently stationed somewhere in Europe. The American army lead by General Trump is coming our way. Our troop's plan is to ambush them. If we fail, it's possible I'll die. But don't worry. You have this:
A photo of Mike and Olaf's first date was taped to the letter. They ate at a sushi place somewhere in town.
I love you Olaf. I'll be back for Christmas.
P.S. Sulley says Hi. Make sure to call his kids for him.
Love, Mike Wazowski.


Mike Wazowski finally woke up from the helicopter ride.
"Hey Sulley are we here already?"
"Sulley?" He said confused.
Mike looked around the room. This definitely was not the location.
It was a dull, damp room. There was only a door and one window inside. A single light bulb hung from the ceiling.
Looks like an interrogation room.
"Awake already?" Whispered a voice.
"Who are you?"
"You can't even recognize any of your best friends?"
Mike looked around frantically for the source of the voice. And there he found it. Standing in the darkness was a green frog. Mike immediately recognized his face.
"No... You were dead!" Mike cried.
And with that, a shot rang out.

* * *

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