Silent Cries

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The coiffed haired boy walked nervously behind his father into the large private school, each of his timid steps shaking as he went. Kurt slowly entered the doors, keeping an eye on his dad, one of the few people he knew he could trust. As his eyes darted around the room, he didn't register the beautiful layout or the calming neutral tones as the old Kurt would, instead he searched for the exits and ways to run if he needed to. The glamorous chandeliers along with the detailed artwork went unnoticed whilst Kurt mentally counted the amount of boys who passed them because Kurt wasn't the innocent, unbroken boy from before, instead he was a scared, empty shell of a teenager, silencing himself against a world that had sent nothing but pain his way.

"Yes, I'm Burt Hummel," Kurt heard his dad say to the secretary, funny, he hadn't even realised they'd stopped walking. "I'm here with my son, I think the Dean was expecting us?"

"Of course sir, if you'd like to go through that door at the end, he'll be waiting for you."

"Thankyou." Burt turned and walked down the empty corridor. Kurt surveyed it for a moment, windows decorated the walls but the only way out of the corridor that he could see was the entrance. "Kurt?" He heard his dad call, questioning him to see if he was ok. Kurt nodded and quickly followed him, his dad knocking on the mahogany door before walking in.

Kurt again looked around at the room, it was more spacious in there, giving it a lighter friendlier mood. The peach and blue tones matched eachother well and Kurt couldn't help admiring it before stopping himself, bringing back the thick walls which separated the out and proud Kurt and the shy, crushed boy he was today.

"You must be Kurt Hummel," the Dean said, addressing him first and holding out his hand for a second before realising the timid boy who was staring at it in fear wasn't going to shake it. "And you're Burt Hummel?" The Dean guessed.

"Correct," answered Burt, shaking the other man's hand firmly.

"I'm Henry Grayson and I'm in charge of this school. I'd like to personally assure you Kurt will be safe at this school and will always be in good hands," Kurt began to slowly zone out after that, allowing his father to collect the necessary information, his ears only pricking as the smartly dressed man mentioned the no bullying policy. Kurt assumed this wasn't real although the teacher may want it to be, no school could be rid of bullies- he would always be the victim.

"I have a packed of information for Kurt: it includes his dorm key and number, the name of who he's sharing with, timetable, map and lunch card," Kurt rejoined the conversation again, listening to the man carefully as he saw his dad shift in his seat. The boy immediately glanced nervously around the room, then was stopped by a rush of guilt. He was safe here, remember?

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Kurt tensed, freezing like a deer in front of some headlights. No, not a deer actually, a rabbit. People usually usually stopped if they saw a deer. Burt had noticed the change in Kurt's body language and went to place a calming hand on his son's shoulder but drawing it back as Kurt flinched heavily. Instead, he sent a small, encouraging smile his way which the teenager quickly returned.

"Come in," the Dean called, after watching the silent exchange. A dark haired boy entered the room, an uncertain smile on his face as he looked at the Dean.


"Kurt, this is Nick Duval and he'll be showing you around for the first week. He'll also be your mentor so you can ask him any questions you may have as well." Nick turned to Kurt, still smiling and held out his hand but Kurt drew away worriedly. This boy had the body of an athlete which was accompanied with a self-assured smile; Kurt was sure he was just another jock who would make his life hell.

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