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It was eight thirty that Burt woke up, feeling something was wrong from the beginning. He yawned and stretched out wide, a smile flickering across his face as he remembered Kurt. His boy was finally home; finally safe. Careful not to wake Carole, Burt tiptoed past Carole's sleeping form and the closed bedroom doors until he reached downstairs. The smile danced back across his face as he turned the dodge maker on, knowing the perfect breakfast to welcome Kurt home. In fact, it was one of the few things he could make without burning. Or at least, without burning too badly.

Fifteen minutes later, when the first pancake was cooking, Carole entered the room, giving her husband a peck on the cheek as she did so.

"What's cooking?" She asked, pouring herself a cup of coffee after reheating some.

"Blueberry pancakes- Elizabeth used to make them for Kurt on special occasions so I thought I'd make some for him for when he wakes up. Kind of a welcome home thing, ya know?"

"Sounds like a good idea- I'm sure he'll love it. Would you like a hand?"

"Nah, I think it's covered for now thanks."

"Well if you change your mind, I'm right here. I've heard the stories of your cooking."

"You liked it when I cooked before!"

"Darling, that was boiled eggs."


"That's hardly a meal- and it was a little overcooked."

"Wait, what? Why didn't you tell me?"

"You'd tried so hard on them, it would be like kicking a puppy. Anyway, They  didn't kill us so obviously they weren't that bad," reasoned Carole.

"Oh heck, that was why you were throwing up later that evening, wasn't it?"

"Are the pancakes nearly done? You don't want to burn them," answered Carole, swiftly changing the subject.


Kurt's morning however, was decidedly less peaceful. Unbeknownst to Burt, at the same time he had woken, a young, trainee nurse was letting out a scream of shock at the two boys on the bed, each teenager jumping awake. Instinctively, Kurt shrunk into Blaine's side, away from the noise.

"W-what?" Blaine asked loudly, disoriented from being woken so suddenly.

"Blaine! I'm sorry- I didn't expect there to be more than one of you," the blue haired trainee turned to Kurt, "who are you and how the heck did you get in?"

"This is Kurt; Kurt, this is Volare, a nurse here."

"That doesn't really answer my question, but hey, nice to meet you Kurt!"

Kurt shyly nodded a hello back, blushing suddenly as he realised how close he was pressed up to Blaine. He quickly moved away, Blaine giving him a smile which clearly asked if he was okay. Minutely, Kurt nodded and the other boy turned back to the nurse.

"Vol- I don't suppose that you could avoid telling anyone that Kurt's here until it's visiting hours? It's just I don't want him getting kicked out.."

"Blaine, you realise you're asking me to do something that could potentially get me in a lot of trouble?" Volare paused as Blaine nodded his head, about to tell her not to bother if she could get in trouble, "But," she added, "maybe I've suddenly gone temporarily blind...and deaf- yeah, that'll do. Anyway, breakfast?"

Blaine glanced at Kurt before nodding.

"The usual?"


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