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Blaine's first reaction to the scene was to rush other to the tiny boy, simply wrap his arms around him and never let go. Kurt looked so frail curled into a tight ball in the corner, it was as if the shadow he sat in was breaking the teen even more, but also hiding him away from everyone. Blaine wondered if Kurt had ever seeked help from the darkness before- the only darkness Blaine had ever known had nearly swallowed him whole.

His second reaction was to resist his first urge and run. He barely knew the boy anyway and it wasn't as if Kurt had ever seemed comfortable around him- their first night the only exception of course, although Blaine now put this down to nerves as Kurt seemed to lack the ability to say no. Kurt reminded Blaine so much of his past self which he had fought for years to be rid of- the scared looks, the jumpy flinches, the way he hid himself away and avoided human contact.

Taking a deep breath of courage, Blaine quietly approached his roommate, desperately trying not to startle him. The lonely boy didn't seem to hear him, he seemed to had shut down his normal senses against the world. Blaine was only a mere few feet away now and could clearly see the shudders that racked through Kurt's body and Blaine couldn't help but feel he should take responsibility for the drastic change in the boy from earlier. He seemed to have a talent for upsetting beautiful people, although personally Blaine thought, for Kurt, beautiful was an understatement. That however, he would keep quiet about. At least, for now.

Blaine cautiously bent down by the pale teen who hadn't seemed to had noticed him yet, too deep into his sadness.


The said boy instantly snapped his head up, tremors shaking through his slight figure even more violently as he jumped to his feet, trying to get as far away from Blaine as he possibly could in one bound. The twins in the lighting box gripped each other's hands in anticipation- the next few minutes could go any way.

"Kurt! Calm down, it's me, Blaine. Y'know the one who's probably been quite a bit of an idiot? Well...definitely. Anyway, calm down.. please?"

Blaine was thankful Kurt hadn't yet sunk into a flashback- they couldn't be good for him; Kurt suddenly pulled out a small book from his pocket along with a cheap biro pen. Hesitantly, keeping his eyes on Blaine and keeping his muscles tense as if in preparation to run, he scribbled something down before holding up the paper, pleading with his eyes.

'Please don't hurt me.'

A tear fell onto the notebook and Kurt dropped it as if it was infected, the loud thud as it hit the floor sounding like thunder as it echoed throughout the almost silent room. He had already accepted his fate, he simply attracted people who wanted to hurt him. Maybe it was his fault. If he hadn't been so openly gay in McKinley, Karofsky would never have hurt him the way he did; if he hadn't been born the way he was, the world may have never been so cruel. Kurt sunk down to the floor, his back now pressing against the wall, he just wanted Blaine to hurry up and get it over with.


The slender teenager refused to look up, the colour draining out of his face. He was told he would be safe here: he was told lies. Nowhere was safe for him, everyone simply wanted to see him hurt.

"Kurt, I'm not going to hurt you."

Kurt's ears pricked, why were people such liars?

"Do you remember what I said one of the first times I met you? I'm going to be by your side all the time. Kurt, please just look at me."

Inwardly, Kurt panicked as his heart picked up speed- a feat which surprised him as it was already going at least a hundred miles per hour. He knew he should probably obey, this was a direct order and he was too well familiarised with the consequences if he didn't. However, he outwardly made no movement, showing no response to the other boy.

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