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Kurt managed to escape the room quickly as the bell rang out, vanishing into thin air as he moved through the door, deserting Blaine as he attempted to catch him. Blaine sighed as he looked around, slightly disappointed with himself for not managing to talk to him; they hadn't communicated since he had walked in on Kurt changing. He searched around the building, trying to spy the well groomed chestnut hair and equally stunning face of his roommate, silently whispering curses at himself for not saying anything to him when seeing his bruises except to excuse himself from the room. 

Those bruises. How could he have got them? They had decorated his back like an artist's painting the way the colours merged together, Kurt's back being the canvas. Was this why Kurt had moved to Dalton? Blaine had recognised the pain and slight denial in Kurt's eyes when he had made him untimely entrance, it was an expression he had worn hundreds of times before, at least, before he had learned to love Dalton. But there must be something else to it, his silence had shouted decimals louder than the taller boy ever could reach and Blaine couldn't help wondering if what Kurt had faced was greater than he first thought; greater than what Blaine had endured. 

As he turned the corner, about to give up, Blaine was crashed into by a small, lightly tanned boy who's eyes had been glued to the floor. 

"Oh sweet llama God. Blaine, are you okay? I didn't see you," he said apologetically, brushing his long, dirty blond hair away from his face. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. You okay, Roddy?" 

Roderick smiled at his older friend, he was in the year below Blaine but knew him well as they both belonged to Windsor. Despite being remarkably clever, Roderick never worked hard at school, preferring to concentrate on topics he enjoyed, yet he still achieved some of the highest grades in his year. It wasn't that Roddy was lazy, it was just he didn't see the the point of learning about subjects he didn't care about- how was history supposed to support his raving passion for animals? 

"I'm good, it's Ludo I'm worried about. The twins arrived back early and he escaped." 


"Yeah, my weasel." 

"You have a weasel now?" 

"Of course, not sure how long he'll hang around with the gremlins back, though." 

Blaine sighed in slightly shocked admiration. Roddy always seemed to have an animal with him, from a normal hamster to, at one point, a fox cub. That had not gone down too well when The Dean had found out.  

"Just promise me you won't collect any dangerous creatures this term, the kitchen's barely recovered yet." 

"Hey, that was not my fault. Thad shouldn't have trapped her in there, I've told him lots of times wild animals don't like to be trapped." 

"Yes, but-" 

"I've gotta go," he interrupted suddenly, spotting a tail amid some nearby bushes and walking over to it, calling out softly in his low voice he saved for animals. Blaine watched in awe as the weasel crawled out to Roddy, completely unafraid of him, and he couldn't help but feel vaguely jealous. He knew no animal would ever do that for him; Roddy simply had something in him they trusted- something he had never seen in anyone else. 

Blaine smiled at the pair, his stomach growling slightly as he headed to the dining hall, hoping Kurt would have found his way over there. It was lunch time after all.

Five minutes later, Blaine entered the hall and a wave of worry swept over him when he couldn't spot Kurt. Was he okay? If he wasn't here, did that mean he hadn't ate breakfast and lunch? He must be starving by now if so. Or maybe he was just late coming..? But he had left before Blaine- 

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