Building an Army

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Third Person's P.O.V
Nightmare Moon walked away angry at Celestia. All she needed now was an army. She knew that her bat ponies would be loyal to her and would help her but she needed citizens. And she knew ponies did like Celestia more than her. She thought about brainwashing people, But that wouldn't quit work.
"Maybe all the people on the side with my night can be in my army. Yes, that would work." Nightmare Moon thought. "I'll just have to persuade them."

Celestia walked away very angry at Luna. She knew she had to win the war that was coming but she needed to build an army so she could win this war. She decided that it wouldn't be safe to invade the side of darkness that was covering half of Equistria.
"Maybe if I can persuade the side of Equistria to be on my side I will win the war." Celestia thought to herself. She smiled evilly and kept walking into the sun.

Both of the sisters walked away and where thinking about beginning to persuade their side of Equistria to belong to their army.

Sorry for a short chapter! I had to update something. I only have a few days to update cuz I start school on the 30th of August 😭 and its high school 😰 Well gtg bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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