Chapter 4: A Dark Reveal

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(13 Years Later)


I walked down an abandoned alley. As I walked further and further, screams filled the air, blood-curdling, deadly screams. I came to an opening, and that's when I saw it. The entire town was being burnt to the ground, not by ordinary fire, but by dragon's fire. One woman locked eyes with me and said,"You're a monster, just like your father." "No," I said,"I am nothing like him. I can promise you this was his doing." "No," she said. "It was yours." Then, out of no where, a dragon spit flames at me, and everything went black.


I woke up to the sound of screaming. I raced to find the origin of the scream, only to find that it was the scream of my own younger sister. "Dany, wake up, Dany," I said as I tried to shake her awake. She woke with a start. "Rhaegar?" "Yes, sweet sister, you're alright, it was just a nightmare." She shook her head. "No, this one looked very real. I felt them burning me." "Felt what burning you, Dany?" I said. "The dragons." I chuckled. "That's ridiculous, Dany. You're a Targaryen, you are of dragon's blood. Fire cannot kill a dragon. You are in no danger, I promise you." She hugged me tightly. "I wish mother were here," she said. Things had never been the same since mother passed away. Viserys never left his chambers, at all. Father gets weaker and weaker every day. Daenerys constantly has nightmares. "Me too, little sister, me too." "When will we see her again, Rhaegar?" I began to think to myself. 'How do you explain this to a child?' I thought. "When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, that is when we shall see our dear mother once again." "I will be counting the days," she said with a sparkle in her eyes.


'How can I keep my power if I do not have a wife to carry more children for me? There will surely be a rebellion if something is not done immediately," I thought to myself. 'You do have daughter and a son, who are both unmarried, they must give to each other so that they may produce more offspring.'


I only feel darkness now. Never have I ever imagined I would feel this amount of pain for so long. It angered me that I would never see my mother again. The way she died angered me more. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was walking the halls of the Red Keep, when I heard my mother screaming. I ran to her chambers to help her. When I made my way to her door, I opened the door quickly, only to see my father beating her to death. I wanted to say something, but my mother begged me to go back to my chambers. I haven't left my chambers since. I struck the wall with my sword, the memory haunted me every day. The sad thing is, Rhaegar and Dany don't even know the truth. I struck the wall again, this time, it ricocheted off of the wall and cut my arm. It hurt for a second, then I realized that it was numbing my pain. I took the blade of my sword and barely cut my arm a second time, just below the first. Then, the pain was gone.

(A/N): Yes, I know, Viserys's part is a little dark and depressing. I thought that he should have a secret of his own. I also thought that he should be more sensitive. Let me know what you guys think! I really appreciate you all taking the time to read this!

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