Chapter 6: Unity

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The last few days have been so hectic. There is nothing but expensive items everywhere. The altar has been decorated with the finest flowers available. I have been moved from dress to dress. All this trouble for a wedding. My wedding. I always had a feeling that I would be wed to Viserys, I just never imagined it to be this way. I never imagined to care this much about it, much less about Viserys, but I did, and I will continue to.


As the finishing touches were being made to my attire, Rhaegar approached me with a soft smile.

"I am so glad that you're back, Viserys. You haven't the slightest idea what its like to fear that you've lost your only brother."

"Rhaegar, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Dany. When she came into my chambers, and spoke with me, it was as if we hadn't missed a day. I know now what love she has in her heart. I am so grateful that I am to be wed to her. She has shown me the light. It feels as though everything is at ease when she is near. I hope to give her everything that she deserves."

"Keep that in mind, brother. It is time." We walked side by side.


The ceremony was a success. There is one slight problem, I didn't arrange this marriage for the ceremony. I want heirs. I look down the table at Daenerys and Viserys. Their smug smiles irritate me, for what reason, I am unsure of. I stand to make my announcement.

"Such a marvelous time, celebrating a marvelous marriage. Nevertheless, this marriage is not official, in the eyes of the kingdom. It must be consummated, and so be it. It is time for the bedding ceremony!"

The people carry my children to their chamber and everyone goes their own ways.


The door closes behind Viserys and I as he looks at me with a smile on his face.

"Oh, Dany," he said as he held my face in his hands. My stomach fluttered, I could barely move or speak.

I managed to force out a command: " Kiss me, Viserys."

He looked me in the eyes to make sure that was what I wanted, and he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear as he brought my face to his and kissed me tenderly. I began to remove my dress when Viserys pulled away.

"I can't do this to you, Dany. I can't take away your virtue so soon. I just can't. I don't want you to think of me as the monster I was."

"Can't you see that this is what I want? I just want to do my duty to the kingdom." I took his hands in mine. "I want to do my duty to you as well. As a wife, Viserys. Don't deny me the right to making love to my husband."

"That's not what it is, Daenerys. It is not a right. It is certainly not making love, Dany. As you said, it is a duty."

"I love you Viserys. Why can't you see that? I want to express that love, and you refuse to let me. Why are you shutting me out?" I tugged at him with lust as I whispered,"Let me in, my love. Let me in." I kissed him deeply and brought his hands to my body. "Please, Viserys. I'm giving myself to you. Please." I began to cry.


I hated seeing her cry. She kept begging me,"Please, Viserys." I wanted to make her happy, and if that meant to go against what I wanted, then so be it. I kissed her, tenderly at first, then deeply. I began to trace kisses on her cheeks, then, her neck, and finally, her collarbone. Small gasps and moans escaped from her with each kiss. I helped her out of her clothes, then she helped with mine. I pulled her close with a factor of lust, and kissed her, slowly bringing her from the floor to my arms. I cradled her, still kissing her deeply, as I brought her to the bed. Then, we let love take it's course.

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