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One day. 

That's how long the pair had been trapped for so far in separate cells; having to hear the other be tortured for what seemed to be hours on end. 

Currently, Ali sat on a wooden chair with her hands tied together in front of her as she listened to Belle hit again, and again, and again. It was a never ending cycle of wanting information and not getting it. The girls were stronger than 'the Governor' and his men had originally thought which made him all the more determined to get what he needed.

A knock at the door made Ali sit up straighter despite the pain in her side from the bruising they had caused. The Governor walked in with a guard behind him; both were wearing smirks which Ali desperately wanted to rip off.

"Here we go again." He sighed, as if this whole ordeal was a chore to him. He took a seat on the opposite side of the table which was in front of Ali. "Where are you staying?"

Ali stayed quiet which made a curse leave the Governors lips. This made a smirk appear on her's.

"Leave us!" He ordered to which the guard obeyed, leaving the two alone. "I'll be honest with you. We don't want to hurt you or your friend. But, you have to understand that I have to do what's best for my group, which means that I need your supplies. We'll take them nicely, or by force if we have to."

Feeling the anger burn within her, Ali couldn't hold back from hissing, "Go to hell."

Now her heart immediately began to hammer in her chest as the Governor came ever closer to her, standing from his wooden chair to be directly besides her. 

"Now..." He began, tracing a finger across the bare skin on the top half of her arm. A shiver ran through her spine as she waited for what he had to say. "That's not kind at all."

A moment of silence passed between the pair until the Governor suddenly grabbed a handful of her brunette waves, pulling her face inches from his. "If you don't tell me where you are staying, I will kill you ever so slowly that you will regret ever threatening me again. I will then kill your friend next door, then whoever the hell is part of your group."

At this point, Ali was struggling to hold back the tears which were building in her eyes due to the mix of pain caused by his grip on her hair and longing to be back at the prison. "You go anywhere near them and I'll kill you." She threatened, too far gone to be careful at this point.

The Governor just smiled before dragging her with him by her hair making her cry out in pain. She stumbled after him, struggling to stay on her feet. Each guard they passed just grinned or laughed making her feel even more humiliated than she already was. It also happened to fuel the burning fire of hatred within her soul.

Finally, they came to a stop inside of Belle's room where she sat limp in a chair with blood pouring form various cuts. Ali gasped (her own pain non-existent for a moment), "Belle?".

At the mention of her name, the younger's head snapped up before a weak smile took over her bruised features. "Ali..." She wheezed, before wincing in pain.

Suddenly, The Governor pushed Ali forwards making her fall to the floor. She screamed in pain as she felt one of her ribs crack where she had recently been kicked repeatedly by the devil himself. Her hand immediately flew to her side as she tried to stop the pain.

"Bring it in." The Governor ordered before leaving the room. Ali watched through tears as a guard walked into the room with a walker held out in front of him. Her eyes widened in realisation as she looked to Belle who had the same shocked expression on her face.

With an evil laugh, the guard let go of the chain holding the monster back before leaving the room. The tears seemed to rush quicker as she heard the clicking of the lock and the growling of the walker.

"Ali!" Belle cried as the walker rushed towards her. That's when Ali noticed the cuffs tying Belle to the chair she was currently in.

Biting down on her lip, Ali pushed herself to her feet as the pain ran through her body. However, she tried to ignore it as she rushed towards the walker, knocking it to the floor.

"There's a loose pipe." Belle yelled, nudging her head in the direction of the door. Ali's eyes followed and soon landed on a steel pipe hanging from the roof.

"Cover me." Ali ordered before limping towards the weapon.

Her hands soon reached the metal object and gave it a harsh pull. However, the pain in her side made her stop.

"Ali." Belle cried, the tears streaming down her face as she used her leg to keep the walker away. The fear within her voice drove Ali over the edge.

She grabbed the pipe and gave it a huge pull, ignoring the pain tearing through her body. Suddenly, it broke off. Ali swung it around in her hand just like she would with her baseball bat before limping back over to where Belle was. When she was close enough, she swung the pipe with the last amount of energy she had.

Luckily, it had been enough.

The pipe collided with the walker's head making it rip in half as it fell to the floor for the final time. Dead.

With a sigh, Ali fell to the floor as well, as her head suddenly felt dizzy.

"Ali?" Belle questioned, her face filled with worry as she pulled against the metal holding her down. After a while, they broke in half (thanks to how old the metal was) letting Belle free. She quickly made her way over to the older woman who was on the verge of passing out. 

"Everything's gonna be okay. Just stay with me." She pleaded, pushing Ali's hair away from her face. However, she was already passed out from pain and exhaustion which meant Belle was alone once again.

She lifted Belle's head to rest comfortably in her lap as the tears continued to fall from her brown eyes. She noticed that the shirt Ali was wearing was lifted, giving her a clear view of the purple and blue bruises which covered the girl's stomach.

A loud sob left Belle's lips as she began to pray that someone would save them.

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