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Ali and Belle both let out a gasp at her words. If they took is offer and went to Woodbury, they knew The Governor wouldn't even let them live out the day. He would kill them as quickly as possible (not before having more fun torturing them both).

"No." Rick said, anger clear in his voice. "We're not letting them go."

"He's right" Carl agreed, his face filled with determination as he took one of Belle's hands in his, seeing the fear within her eyes at the situation. 

As the group began to voice their objections, Ali stayed quiet, debating the situation and what was the best course of action. In the end, she sighed in defeat. Her words caused the group to fall silent. "We might have to." 

Her stomach felt sick with the thought of it and her heart was still aching from the news she had just received about her brother.  Running a hand through her hair, her blue eyes found Rick's but quickly looked away. Suddenly, a new found confidence surged through her. "Belle can stay here and I'll go."

"You're not going anywhere. You're staying here." Rick argued. 

"No!" Ali cried, holding her hand up to silence him. She took a deep breath and tried to keep her voice calm as she continued. "Think about it. If I go, he won't come here. But if I don't go, we could lose more lives. I'm not risking the lives of our group and especially my children. It's simple - I'm going."

With that, the blonde rushed back into the prison and began filling a bag full of her belongings. The quicker she left, the quicker she could get it over with and it would leave little room for her to change her mind. The others followed and tried to reason with her but nothing would work. 

"Mum please." Carl pleaded, sitting on the edge of her bed as he watched her rush around the small cell. "You can't go."

Ali sighed before going to kneel in front of her son. She placed a gentle hand on the side of his face as she looked into his eyes. "I have to go." She whispered. "I have to keep you, your sister and everyone else safe."

"But I don't want you to die." Carl whispered on the verge of sobbing.

Ali pulled him into a hug as she placed a gentle kiss to his hair. "I know, I know. I love you and Judith so much." She pulled away and stood up, swinging her bag over her shoulder. "You'll be okay. I promise you that."

They left the room and headed to the main gates where a car awaited her along with everyone else. 

"Sure you want to do this?" Selena questioned, adjusting her katana to sit higher on her shoulder. Her normally cold persona had faded and she held a large amount of respect for the mother's sacrifice.

Ali just nodded, trying not to think too much, as she pulled Selena in for a quick hug. "I'm sure."

This small exchange was repeated with everyone else along with 'goodbyes'. However, when she came to Rick, she hesitated slightly. He handed Judith over to the blonde for the last time.

"Don't go. We can make a plan. We can defend this place."

Unfortunately, his attempts at trying to get her to stay were pointless. Ali just shook her head and handed her little girl back over, placing one last kiss to her forehead. She then looked up to Rick and held her head high. "I am going and no one can change my mind."

All traces of anger over their previous conversation the night before had completely disappear. Softly, Ali pulled him into a hug, desperately wanting nothing more than to stay with him forever. However, she knew that if she stayed even a second longer, she'd change her mind.

So, with that, she pulled away from Rick and grabbed the car keys off Daryl before walking towards the driver's side. She turned to look back at Rick, a teasing smile gracing her features. "You better look after everyone or I will come back here just to kick your ass!"

A small, sad smile made itself present as Rick let out a chuckle. "I'll miss you." He admitted, adjusting Judith to sit more comfortable on his hip. His words were simple but both partners knew the deeper underlying meaning.

Ali faltered for a moment (taking a deep breath to not show the sadness and heartbreak which was tying knots in her chest) but soon regained herself, taking a seat in the driver's side. "I'll miss you too."

With her last words being said, her foot hit the pedal and she sped from the place she called home along with the people she called family. Her stomach turned in anticipation at what was to come. She even began doubting whether she should do this or not. But, remembering who she was doing it for, set her back in the right mindset.

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