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"Stop the car." A voice ordered as twenty guns were currently trained on the foreign vehicle. Ali complied and waited for the next instruction. "Get out and state your name."

Making sure she had everything she brought, the blonde stepped outside and raised her hands to show she posed no threat. "Ali Walsh. The Governor wanted me?"

The large gates immediately opened allowing her to enter.

"Well, back once again?" A familiar voice chuckled, making Ali feel sick. She turned to see the Governor making his way towards where she stood; a group of men moving with him making her struggle to hold back a laugh. They look like a weird boyband!

"Why did you want me here?" The blonde growled, crossing her arms over her chest.

Suddenly, a guard kicked her in the back of her knees making them buckle and her fall to the floor. Panic began to set in making her heart race.

"I'm gonna continue to torture you because last time...well, it was just too much fun."

The colour drained from Ali's face before a gun was smashed off the side of her head, knocking her unconscious.

"Take her body to the back room." The Governor ordered before walking away, a smirk on his face.

Meanwhile, back at the prison, everyone was trying to keep going about their day.

The key word - Trying.

"Hey." Glenn muttered, leaning on the shovel he was using. Maggie stopped her work and looked up with a raised eyebrow. "She'll be okay."

"I know." Maggie sighed, running a hand over her hair. "I'm just worried about why he wanted her and Belle, and to kill them."

Glenn nodded in agreement. "But she's a tough girl. This was her decision to make. She knew what was going to happen."

Maggie weakly smiled before continuing on with her work. However, yelling soon interrupted them once again. Turning to look across the field, they saw Rick and Carl arguing with Michonne trying to calm them down.

"You shouldn't have let her leave!" Carl screamed.

"I couldn't stop her." Rick replied, trying to grab his wrist but Carl jerked it away.

"I'm going after her and you can't stop me."

Rick sighed as his son used his words against him. "Okay but I'm coming with you."

"No, you're not." Carl snorted, keeping his eyes firmly on the gates ahead of him.

"Let him go." Michonne sighed, stepping in front of Rick and lowering her voice for only him to hear. "He'll be back in an hour. He hasn't got the supplies."

Reluctantly, Rick agreed before warning Michonne that 'if he wasn't back or anything happened, It's all on you'.

So, with that being said, Carl left the prison and began on his long journey to Woodbury.

"Good afternoon!"

Ali's eyes flickered up to see the Governor with a smile on his face.

"What do you want?" She hissed, shifting slightly so her back was against the brick wall.

"That's no way to speak to someone who has a little surprise for you."

Ali's eyes narrowed at his words, waiting for something painful to happen. The Governor only took her silence as a response so he left the room only to return a second later with a new guest.

"Carl?" Ali gasped, pulling against the metal chains which held her in place.

"Mom." Carl smiled, struggling to get away from The Governor. 

"Now..." The Governor grinned, as two guards came to tie Carl to a chair. "The real fun can begin."

"Let go of him." Ali growled. She winced in pain as the metal began ripping through the skin on her wrists.

The Governor only chuckled, however, and took a step closer. "Or what?"

"I will kill you! Right here, right now." The blonde growled which only made him laugh harder.

"Or...you can just sit there, nice and pretty, as you watch your son getting tortured until he's begging to die."

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