The Party - Chapter 2

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A/N: Excuse my mistakes.

"Damn, I'm hot as fuck ." I said to my girls while fanning myself with my hands. We were in the bathroom of the club because it was just too hot on the dance floor to function. This club was poppin'! My brother really went all out for his birthday.

The girls and I went in there looking bad as fuck; Jamie wore an all-black dress that stopped at her midthigh with her back out, black red bottom stilettos, her hair curled, a silver chain around her neck along with a silver watch, diamond studs, and a charm bracelet.

Renee wore a dark blue short dress with sheer sleeves, black pumps, her hair in a Janelle Monae type bun, big hoop earrings, with a Givenchy watch.

Jazmine wore a yellow spandex half shirt with a dark blue high waist pencil skirt, her hair straight and parted down the middle, yellow sandal heels, a gold chain on along with bracelets and hoop earrings. I wore an all white sheer sleeved dress that stopped just above my knees, all white Prada heels, my hair wavy and wild, a silver chain and watch, with my silver clutch.

"Ain't it though! We too cute to be tryna sweat." Jazmine said while I fixed her hair. I did all of their hair and makeup so I was seriously trying to make sure nothing was messed up. We were out there dancing hard as hell -bumpin', grindin', and windin' our hips to every song that came on, even the old songs. We haven't gone to the VIP section where my brother and his closest friends were yet, but we were about to.

Once we all looked the same as we did when we came in the club, we walked out the bathroom to the VIP section. Once we were at the bouncer, he let us right in. We strutted in looking around the lounge like it was perfection. There were all royal blue plush sofas and furniture, a private bar, a table with all of his gifts, and hella bottles back where Mar and his friends were supposed to be. I was looking around for my brother but he was nowhere in sight. Probably on the floor going crazy. 

I walked to the bar and ordered a Strawberry Daquiri. Jazmine and Renee ordered some Vodka punch while Jamie ordered a plain clear shot. We sat at the bar talking, laughing, and drinking it up until I saw my brother walk into the VIP section with someone. I looked at the man closely and saw it was... him. They walked closer to us and Carter instantly smiled at me.

"Hey princess, you look pretty." Lamar said while hugging me.

"Hey Mar Mar, thank you. " I said while smiling at my big brother. He pulled away and turned his attention to my friends.

"Hello ladies." Lamar said smiling at the girls.

"Hey Lamar." They all said smiling at him before wishing him a happy birthday. Renee licked her lips at him and I started laughing. Lamar shook his head smiling and winked at Renee before I directed my attention towards Carter. Mar and the girls walked further into the section where the bottles were and left us alone. 

I held my hand out for him to shake. Shit, I didn't know what else to do- I was too nervous to even speak. He grabbed my hand gently and kissed it. I blushed hard as hell, not expecting him to be so forward after just meeting me yesterday. Before we could say anything else, a woman walked up on us and stepped in front of me. 

"Cash, hey baby! Long time no see!" she shouted over the music. This bitch was ratchet as hell-she was a chocolate girl with flaming red hair that was flying all over the place, with a red 'tutu' dress, and white kitten heels. The outfit wasn't giving one bit, nor was her blatant attitude towards me. 

"Um, do I know you?" The man asked, looking disgusted.

"You don't remember me, daddy!?" She asked him. She looked back at me as I took a step back from her and took a sip of my daquiri. I don't know if she thought I was supposed to step off, but I was cool where I was. No bitch was gon' move me. 

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