The Last Straw - Chapter 11

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The Next Day

On my way to hair school, I remembered Jazmine telling me I needed to get a gun for my safety. Of course I thought she was crazy because I didn't think the situation called for all that when I had hands, but I considered going to a gun range with her later in the week. I haven't even told anyone else about the situation, but I figured I could handle it on my own. I was dressed in all white attire for my school with my hair in a French braid down my back. I had a black tote bag with all of my hair products and supplies in it, ready to start the day. 

I parked in the lot outside of my school and got out of my car, grabbing my tote bag and keys to bring them with me. I walked into the school and walked to my station greeted everyone around me. 

"Hey girl." My friend Troy approached me. He was always looking good. Plus he did hair better than some girls in here. He was Puerto Rican with blue eyes and black waves with a nice build on him. If he wasn't gay, I would've had some words with him if not more. 

"Hey baby, how you been?" I asked him unloading my bag.

"I've never been better." He sung.

"Ooh, what's gotten into you?" 

"Girl, me and my man went out to dinner last night and he gave me a ring." He said gyrating in front of me. I clapped excitedly, smiling as he showed me the ring. I was genuinely happy, I knew he'd been in a relationship with Michael, his boyfriend, for a long time and I loved that Troy was happy. We were talking and having a good time until someone requested his services.

"We're still on for lunch right?" He asked me. "Hell yeah." I told him in a 'duh' tone. He gave me a thumbs up and walked to the shampoo area with his client.

I sighed a happy sigh, Troy always brightened up my mornings with his good energy. He was like the male version of Jazmine, that's why they got along too. I sat down at my station taking pictures of me and putting them on Instagram since everyone else was tending to their clients. I heard a familiar voice coming from towards the front desk and I saw Breanna. I rolled my eyes when I realized that I would be the one doing her hair. Oh boy, here we go, I thought.

After she signed her name, she turned around to see me looking at her and she froze, her eyes widened in fear. I flashed her a fake smile and I walked towards her, guiding her towards the shampoo area. Poor girl was shaking when I touched her. I was going to get kicked out of school or pass up some money just to fight her. I simply asked her what style she wanted, and she let me know she wanted a wash and style. 

After I washed her hair, I guided her to my station and I plugged up my blow dryer attaching a comb to it. I put some heat protectant oil in her hair and I started to go to work. My station was dead silent- I had nothing to say to her and I was glad she had nothing to say to me. Personally, I wouldn't have let a bitch I just fought touch me. But these bitches were built weird as hell. 

After I was done with her hair, she looked in the mirror to see her ear length hair in a wrap- shining and bouncy. I proceeded to clean my station and my flat irons off, not even caring if she liked it. She was still in the chair admiring her hair in the mirror until I said something.

"You can get up now." I said dryly. She got up and handed me $30 before speed waking out of the school. At least the bitch paid, I thought putting the money in my pocket. Anything for the sake of my cosmetology license. 

After my lunch break with Troy, we walked back into our school cracking up about what we were talking about at lunch. As soon as we walked in, clients were coming at us back to back for the rest of our time there. I looked at the clock to see that it was four o'clock, indicating that I needed to go see Lamar.

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