Slow Recovery - Chapter 3

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I woke up on the hospital couch alone, immediately looking over to my brother to see if he was alright. Carter and I stayed here all night right by Lamar's side, praying for him and supporting him through this time. My parents came in a few minutes after Lamar went in for surgery to fully remove the bullet for his chest, but they went home after about 3 hours in the hospital talking to us, the doctors, and praying over and over again for my brother. My dad even hugged Carter and thanked him for bringing me here, making me feel secure, and being there to support his only son. They told me they would go home and get themselves together so they could come in and watch over Lamar in place of Carter and I. 

I checked my phone to see that it was 7am, remembering I had to get to my new job at 10am. I grabbed my travel toothbrush and toothpaste out of my clutch and went in the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After I was done with my hygiene thing, I came out of the bathroom to see Carter on the couch with a new outfit on, watching tv and talking to Lamar who was eating some jello. I gasped loudly and ran over to my brother to give him a big hug before he stiff armed me with a fearful look in his eyes.

"I literally just got shot, yo'," He had to remind me. I stepped away and apologized to him. "I'm sorry Mar, I'm just happy you're okay."

"Thank you, sis'. I'm good as new." Mar answered nonchalantly. I knew he was still stirred up, but he hated showing weakness. "Thank you for staying here with me."

"Of course, I wasn't leaving you. Mommy and Daddy said they coming right after I go to work, though." He paused, knowing the conversation he was going to have with them and shook his head. But that's what he needed and he knew that. The room got quiet, then Lamar spoke up. 

"Bro', good lookin' out, for real. Make sure my sister get to where she need to be. Please bro'," Carter stood up and held his hand out to dap Mar up. "She good Mar." Mar looked up at Carter sternly and held his hand a little longer to let him know how serious he was.

"You already know, bro'. It's handled." Carter reassured him. I didn't know if they were talking about me anymore at that point.

After telling Mar I loved him, I grabbed my clutch and walked out of the hospital room with Carter right beside me. We walked back out to his car and he opened the door for me to let me in. A few seconds later he was in the car and we were pulling out of the parking lot. I gave him the directions to my house and he started driving there.

"You okay?" He asked me while looking back and forth from me and the road.

"I'm way better than I was yesterday." I said and he smiled that smile. "Are you okay?" I asked him. He remained really calm through the whole scenario.

"You a real ass chick Lanay, forreal." He said, averting my question.

I chuckled and looked at him. "I am." I said softly. He stopped at a red light and looked at me. "What?" I asked him, automatically blushing. 

"Where ya' man at?" I started laughing extremely hard, but he was as serious as a heart attack. "I don't have one of those." I answered him after a few seconds. He looked back to the road, licking his lips and smirking devilishly. 

"You fin'na have one, fuckin' wit' me." The nigga was giving me butterflies already, something Eman never could do. 

"If you rollin', I'm ridin'." I said to him, not even realizing how fast I was going against what I told myself. The nigga damn near took a bullet for me though. Hell yeah I was riding. He nodded his head knowingly, and looked over at me again smiling. I knew the nigga for fifty hours, yet he showed me something different instantly. He was affectionate, supportive, and protective. I wanted to see more of him. My intuition was telling me that this was something worth getting into. I just hoped this time I wasn't wrong.

I grabbed his phone off the dashboard and he sucked his teeth. "How you just gone take my phone like that?" He asked me, laughing.

"Of course you gon' have a lock on it, whats ya' password?" I said laughing.

"8410." He said without hesitation. I looked at him like he was crazy and typed the password in. It unlocked and I saw a picture of a little girl as the screensaver. She was gorgeous: she was the same complexion as Carter, same eye color, same smile, shoulder length curly hair, and she was wearing a red and white polka dotted dress with white sandals, a silver chain, silver studs, and a little charm bracelet. She looked about 3 years old.

"Oh my God, she's beautiful. Is this your daughter? " I asked him softly.

"Yes she is, thank you." He said proudly.

"She looks just like you." I commented. "Of course, that's my twin." He responded smiling.

I went to add my name and number to his contacts. I quickly typed in my information and took a selfie to use as my contact photo.

I locked his phone back and put it back on the dashboard. We arrived at my house and I grabbed my clutch. I looked over at him but before I could say goodbye, he kissed me. His lips felt like smooth velvet as we deepened the kiss. He pulled away slowly but abruptly leaving me wanting more.

"I'll see you later beautiful. " He said slowly licking his lips. 

"See you," I said before I pecked his lips slowly a few more times and reluctantly got out of the car. I walked into my apartment feeling his eyes on my ass and I got on the elevator to go on the fourth floor. I made sure to sway my hips a little harder, making me laugh at myself. 

"Hey Nay, how is Mar doing?" Jamie asked me as soon as I walked into our four bedroom and two bathroom apartment. Jazmine, Renee, and Jamison were sitting on the couch watching tv eating breakfast in their pajamas.

I hugged her and happily said, "He's doing fine. He'll be released by Wednesday. " I said to her smiling brightly. She looked at me sideways.

"That's such a blessing," She said. "You so giddy this morning." She tilted her head sideways, looking at me funny.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said sarcastically while taking off my heels and walking to my all white, silver, and turquoise bedroom. I placed them in my closet and started looking through my closet for something to wear to work today.

Jazmine and Renee walked into my room and sat on my bed. "It's Cash, ain't it?" Jaz asked me.

"My brother is alive, I can't be happy about that?"

"We happy too, we love Mar! But, knowing you, you'd still be crying even after he was okay. You wouldn't be this happy." Jaz was all in my business. She was right though. 

"I'm happy about both, okay? Let me have my moment damn." I rolled my eyes as I sat my work clothes out on the bed. 

"What happened?" Renee asked before telling me she was currently texting Lamar. I let them know about about his condition, then let them know Carter and I stayed with him all night. They instantly got hyped up.

"I just can't explain it, y'all. He real different like... too different. Even the way he kissed made me feel-"

"He kissed you?" They all asked simultaneously.

"Yes, he did. Damn." I said, laughing.

"Aww! Mar is alive and Nay is in love- this a good ass day." Jamie commented, cooing at me and making jokes.

"Girl bye." I replied nonchalantly. 

I stripped out of my clothes, grabbed my towel, my soap, and my shampoo and went in the bathroom to take a shower to wash last night off of me. I had a feeling today was gonna be a good day.

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