Growing Up and Moving Up - Chapter 29

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A/N: I fastforwarded to the beginning of Lanay's second trimester. I've decided to cut chapter 30 short and merge some of it with this chapter, so this is the last chapter.

"How do I look?" I asked Carter, twirling around in my turquoise blue and white sundress with my white gladiator sandals. My hair was in big wand curls and my tummy was showing, I was 4 1/2 months already.

"You look.. damn." he commented as he looked me up and down licking his lips. I smiled in satisfaction, it was the reaction I was looking for.

"You way too fine to be goin' to my daughter's birthday party." he continued to eye me. 

"Well, I gotta look cute." I shimmied in my dress, making us both laugh.

"Come on, we gotta get ready to go." he reminded me as I grabbed my all white Chanel crossover bag and my iPhone off of the charger. Carter stood up in his turquoise polo shirt with a white horse, white polo cargo shorts, and all-white Nike air maxes. We walked out of the room and went straight downstairs. All of our kids were with Carter's parents so they could be at the party before everyone else.

Camille wanted to have an 'All White and Blue Party' so we decided to give her just that. She was such a good girl, she deserved everything she asked for. Before we sent the kids with Carter's parents, we made sure they were dressed in the same colors me and Carter had on. Cameron, Kyree, and Carter had on the same exact outfit and so did Camille and I.

"Ugh, my baby is really growing up." I fanned my eyes dramatically while Carter shook his head at me, laughing.

"I know," he dragged out. "Before we know it, she gon' be 18." he laughed as he held the passenger door of his all-white Range Rover open for me. 

"Shut up, sarcastic ass." I hit him in the chest playfully before he closed the door.

"Cammy, try not to mess up your dress okay baby?" I reminded her. I didn't want my baby girl looking any kind of way on her birthday party.

"Okay mommy. But this food is so good!" she commented, stuffing her face with collard greens and cornbread. 

"I know, right? Your mum-mum Candice and grandma Raine made it. So, when you're done eating, you need to thank her." I told her, filling my fork with string beans. She always called Carter's mom mum-mum Candice and my mother, Loraine, grandma Raine.

"Okay mommy." Camille nodded, still devouring her plate of food. I looked around the big ballroom of children, parents, and our close family members and I smiled. I was glad everyone came out to celebrate her 5th birthday, she was beyond happy.

"Babe, I'm gon' take Kyree to the bathroom. He spilled a little cereal on him." Carter informed me, referring to the baby cereal in his bottle. 

"Okay," I said. I watched him grab Kyree out of his high chair and walk into the men's bathroom.

"Ahem," I heard Jazmine clear her throat. I rolled my eyes and looked at her as if to say 'What?'

"Oh please don't start Jazmine. You been quiet since we got here, don't start." I said, making her tilt her head in confusion. Though I loved my sister, she was acting iffy lately and I didn't like it. We argued all the damn time and I felt like we weren't on good terms at the moment.

"Calm down Lucy," she joked. "I just wanna see if we can get back on good terms." she said, looking me in the eyes. 

"This isn't the place, nor time, to do this. We can talk later." I answered her, making her nod and everyone at the table shake their heads.

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