Part 7

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It's one week since the accident happened. You and James go to your house. It was just like you left it.

James: I will help you pack your stuff.

You: Thank you.

James: Where will we start?

You: Here in living room.

You clean the living room and the kitchen. Then you go to your bedroom. You enter and the bed was just like you left it. It was all messed up. You open the closet and see Jesse's clothes. You take his shirt and smell it. It smells like Jesse and you start to cry. James walks by and sees you crying. He comes to you and hugs you.

You: I miss him…

James: I know…

You: I still hear his laugh and I see his smile….

James: Don't…

You: He was always with me…

James: [YN] don't do this…

You: I miss him….I miss Jesse.

James: Don't say those things…it's only hurting you.

You: I know… I remember when my grandma died, he always told me to think about nice memories with her.

James: And he was right…you need to forget all the bad things…

You: What if we didn't have bad things?

James: Than this is good *smile*

You: He is my everything…I don't know how…how to forget him…

James: You will never forget him…he will always be in your heart.

You: I know but….I can't be alone my whole life…

James: You will found someone….of course you won't love him like Jesse but still.

You: I don't know…and I don't want to think about that…

James: Good…Should I clean this room?

You: I will help.

James: Ok….but I will clean Jesse's stuff.

You: Ok.

You start to pack your stuff and watch James pack Jesse's stuff. He was packing the clothes and you see a black T-shirt with skull. Jesse wore that T-shirt the day you meet him. You get tiers in your eyes.

James: Are you ok?

You: Yes…I just remembered something.

James: What? Tell me.

You: That T-shirt in your hand *smile* Jesse wore it the day we meet.

James: Really? And he still has it *smile*

You: Yes…but he didn't wore it anymore *smile* it was too short for him.

James: Of course *smile*

You: I think we are finished here.

James: I guess so…are you ok?

You: Yes *smile*

James: I know you're not *smile*

You: You know the best *smile*

James: Come on…let's go.

You: Ok.

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