The Best Day Ever-Lydia And Shane

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An;; sorry this took so long but I've had so much homework and revision lately which means I've barely had time to update anything, including my bigger stories. Thank you for this wonderful idea BadxLuckxCharm and I hope I wrote it the way you want. I promise I'll get the other requests up soon, just bare with me. Enjoy
Lucifer xoxo

Lydia's PoV
    I smiled widely as me and Shane walked in a comfortable silence towards the venue, our hands clasped together tightly as we strolled through the park, the night air a welcome breeze after spending the day stuffed in the warm confines of Shane's snuggly basement. We had spent nearly the whole day together and not once had either of us been sad, even though Shane had to leave for the rest of the tour tomorrow. Instead, we had spent the day in the comfort of each other's arms, laughing and joking as if no time had passed at all, yet I could sense that as soon as this show was over, and I had to say goodbye, that would change.

Me and Shane had been going out for a few years, yet, during that time, Shane had been away often, which meant that days like these were cherished and incredibly rare. Shane was in a band called fearless vampire killers and, as they were beggining to build a rather large fan base and creating a well known name for themselves, it seemed as though Shane always had to be somewhere other than home, whether it was recording, touring or doing interviews/photo shoots. Nonetheless, I had stayed by him and supported him throughout it all, and our love had ever faltered once, despite the odds.

Today, Shane had been doing a performance in our hometown, which I had been waiting for impatiently ever since my beautiful boyfriend had revealed the news to me. He had kept to his earlier promise and we had spent the day curled up under blankets in the basement, eating pizzas and watching old Disney movies. The whole day had been perfect and I knew that I was lucky to get that...yet now a deep sadness filled me. The show would start soon, and shortly after it finished, my shaney would be taken away from me for a whole month, until the next tour was finished. And then, we would get a few perfect weeks together until he was called away from me again.

I looked down at the floor as we continued on our way to the venue, hating the fact that it had to be like this. I wanted nothing more than to go with Shane when he left rather than staying at home alone, but apparently it was unfair for him to bring me when none of the other fvk boys could bring their lovers, due to the lack of space in the van. I knew it wasn't Shane's, or any of the others fault but man, it sucked.

Finally, we arrived at the venue and we quickly ran in, only just making it inside before the rest of the crowd arrived in. Shane quickly kissed me before he rushed off back stage, and I took my place against the barriers, amongst a few other lucky fans. They all babbled about which members of fvk they had crushes on, and when one girl announced she had a crush on Shane, I felt a surge of pride flush through me that he was mine.

Luckily, the conversation died down once the lights lowered and the support acts immediately took to the stage and began to perform, instantly earning the crowds attention with their amazing riffs and incredibly screams lyrics. I tried to dance and jump along to their music, which was admittedly quite good, like most of the other fans were, yet for some reason, I couldn't get myself in to the joyful concert mood when I knew that soon my love would be taken away from me, and that I wouldn't get to settle my eyes on his tall figure for another month. During that time, he could meet someone else, I though sourly, before I instantly shook my head to get rid of the saddening thought, yet it stubbornly stayed. I sighed loudly and gave up trying to be happy and leant against the barrier, settling for the fact that I wouldn't be able to cheer up until fvk took to the stage.

A few more support acts took to and exited the stage during the following hour, before it was announced that fvk would be on shortly. Everyone in the crowd immediately screamed their loud approval, and even I managed a weak smile, though in my foul mood, I could muster no more than that. I just wanted them all to enter the stage and start playing, just so that I could hear the comforting sound of Shane's voice screaming down the microphone and watch his soft, yet incredibly calloused fingers strum his guitar, immediately being put at ease by his prescence. I watched moodily as the stage hands started to set up the microphones and instruments to fvk preferences, begging silently for the moment that fvk would come on.And finally, that moment came.

The crowd screamed as fvk slowly walked out onto the stage and grabbed their instruments, Kier taking the microphone, Laurence taking the guitar, smiles bulging in every members face. Shane turned to smile at me briefly before he turned to the roaring crowd and waved cheerfully, his smile pratically glowing in the dark. I smiled as my eyes swept the stage and caught Drew's, who winked subtly at me for some weird reason. For a moment I stood there in shock, questioning his actions silently until I realised that with Drew, I would never fully understand his mysterious ways.

Fvk started their set soon after that, playing a range of different songs from their many albums, each one gaining more of the crowds applause than the last one, yet nowhere near as much as the one that would come after it. As it always had done, fvk' perfect music offered me a distraction from my upset and, only a few songs in, I had pratically forgotten that Shane would be leaving soon and had joined in with the crowds wild jumping and screaming of the lyrics. Shane's eyes caught mine a few times during the set, his head shaking fondly at my jumping as a smile filled his features, though other than that, nothing else weird seemed to happen.

Finally, the dreaded moment came when fvk had finished their encore song, and I immediately lost the good feeling that had erupted deep within me when they had started playing, once more filled with a sense of abandonment as after this, he would be leaving me. My eyes filled with tears and I could barely even concentrate when Kier snatched the microphone from the stand and began to thank everyone on the crowd for their support, and for showing up tonight. I sniffled quietly and wiped a fallen tear away with the back of my hand, before I tilted my head up to look at kier and act as though I was actually listening.

"Tonight has been truly amazing and as usual, we would be delighted to meet you lovely people over by the merch stand for photos. But first, a certain Shane summer has a little something he would like to ask a special someone" Kier winked mischievously, before the red fringed singer passed the dark microphone to Shane, who took it with shaking hands, before he slowly took as step forward, so he was stood directly in front of me. He fiddled with his shirt sleeves nervously and looked down at the stage ground for a moment, like he always did when he was anxious about something, before he slowly looked up and locked his perfect gaze on mine, biting his pink lips slightly as he grinned.

" many of you may know, I have a beautiful girlfriend Lydia, who is luckily here tonight. We have been friends ever since I can remember and the day she agreed to go out with me was the happiest day of my life. She makes me so happy whenever I see her, which admittedly isn't as often as I'd like, yet every moment we spend together is perfect. Her beautiful smile lights up my day no matter what mood I'm in and all she has ever done is support me and the guys in our music career, even though it means I'll be away from her so often... I honestly can't think of anyone I'd rather be with, or who I could love even half as much as I love her...and I want to spend the rest of my life with her" Shane grinned, before he crouched down on one knee and held a beautiful ring box our before him, making me gasp quietly in pleasant shock, as a small smile made its way onto my excited features. "Lydia, will you marry me?" He questioned softly, as a large smile erupted on to my face and I nodded wildly.

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