I Have Never Had A Way With Words-Lukier

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An;; okay, so this is pretty crap but in all honesty, I didn't really know what else to write for this in order to make it cute enough. I'm sorry. Anyway, I hope this is okay for you teamlegolas221b and I'm sorry it took so long. Just a reminder, requests are still open to anyone who wants one, all you have to do is comment!

Dear Luke,
     I don't know exactly how to say this to you right now because I've tried so many times to get the right words out and I've mapped out what I'm going to say around a thousand times in my head, yet when I'm in your presence, I'm so stunned that I never do manage to say the right words. Somehow, I always manage to chicken out at the last second, meaning I'm stood there with a gormless expression on my face whilst you laugh at the fact that I have once more "forgotten" what I was about to say. The truth is, I didn't forget, how could I? I was just too scared of ruining everything between us that I never said a word.

You're probably wondering what I'm talking about right now, but I can promise you this letter has a point, if you just have the patience to read on and ignore so many dreadful scribbling outs on the page, due to the fact that I still am unsure how to present this information to you. I just want you to know, before I continue, that we will always be friends, no matter what my feelings, and I hope you'll keep that in mind as I bare my soul.

The thing is Luke....I have feelings for you, and I have for a while now, ever since Christmas actually, which was five months ago. At first, I denied these feelings of course, hoping that they would mist go away if I pushed them to the back of my mind so that I wouldn't ruin our friendship, but I soon realised feelings that strong wouldn't go away, and a part of me still thinks that they never will.

I don't exactly know what got me so drawn to you but now that I have such a developed Crush on you I can't help but notice all your perfectionist and all the things that make you so special,. Your beautiful coloured hair and the way you flick it in front of your eyes when speaking, your fingers and the way they seem to fly perfectly over your guitar strings, your voice, the way your mesmerising singing sends shivers running down my spine, the way you bite your snakebites lightly when you're nervous...it all drives me crazy in a way you could never know.

Call me old fashioned but I thought a letter would be the best way to explain this to you if I was too chicken to do it in person. Most people these days would happily choose a text or a simplistic email over a letter now, but to me both these methods seemed so impersonal, due to the little amount of effort gone into them. Sure, the written word and the swirly way I write it may take longer than hopelessly typing away such a soppy love letter at my computer, but for you, I couldn't take long enough, just to make sure everything was perfect enough to meet your standards.

I know you won't feel the same and in all honesty I couldn't blame you if that was the case. I'm just disgusting and delusional and a disgrace to humanity. I don't even deserve to be your friend Luke, let alone anything more, no matter how much I hope for it. So you don't have to pretend for me if you feel bad for the rejection, because I can handle it and I've been through the process so many tines before. I just want one thing from you, even though it's not likely I'll get it after this. I just don't want this to affect our friendship, because I need you in my life, so much more than you could ever know. Please Luke, I'm begging you.

I'm sorry
Yours forever,
Kier kemp

Dear kier,
  Jesus, I don't know what to say. When I opened your letter I was a little confused as to why you would be writing to me when we meet up so often and you have my phone number, yet reading your letter, it all makes perfect sense. I understand why you couldn't say this in person because in all honesty...I've been struggling with the same thing, and I wish I'd had your idea of a letter sooner, yet it had never crossed my mind.

All the things you've been thinking and that you described feeling so beautifully to me in your letter mirrors how I feel for you, except I'm certain my feelings are even more intense if that's possible. Everything you do drives me insane and I can't stop thinking about you, no matter how hard I try. In a morning the image of your beautiful face clear in my memory is the first thing I see and my last thought of everyday is your captivating smile, the way it makes butterflies erupt in the pit of my stomach. Every waking moment between my waking and my slumber is filled with thoughts of you, and lately, even my dreams are.

I know you'll probably be thinking that this is too good to be true or that I'm just saying this so I don't upset you in anyway, but I can assure you that's not the case kier, so don't you dare put yourself down like that. I always knew you had problems with your self confidence sweetie, yet until I read the last paragraph of your letter  I never fully realised the extent of it. I can assure you that you're not all of those things kier, but once again, I'm almost certain you won't believe me. But maybe that's okay, because it just means I'll have to prove it to you in other ways.

I wish I could write for longer and explain everything to you, but my hands already beginning to ache and my pens running out of ink quickly. I'm not going to waste any precious time posting properly this so I'll simply post it through your letter box and hope for the best. If you still feel the same way after you've read this, meet me by the park so we can get Chips and talk more. I'll be waiting all night, but I'll understand if you don't come,

With love,
Your best friend and recently-secret admirer,
Luke Lucas

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