Beautiful-Laurence and Zachary

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An;; for teamlegolas221b. Hope this is okay for you, and I'm sorry it took so long. Comment for a request.
Lucifer xoxo

Zachary, just leave me alone, I don't want to talk about it" I screamed as I turned around to face Zachary from my place in the doorway, my face burning a deep red with all the fury I held inside me for my greatest friend. He sighed quietly, a distraught look upon his face which would usually break me, but this time he had gone too far for me to care.

"Laurence stop acting like this, I'm only trying to help you" he tried desperately to reason with me, but I shook my head stubbornly, refusing to believe a word that cane out of his mouth.

"No, you weren't because I don't need help, and I don't need patronising gits trying to constantly find problems with me, I'm fucking fine!" I snapped.

"Laurence, you're anything but fine and I know what I saw back there" Zachary interjected, but as the fresh, painful memory of what just happened came rolling back to my memory ,my anger sparked up more, as a fresh set of tears pricked at my eyes.


I was sick of this and I was sick of him constantly trying to find out what was wrong with me, like I was a mental patient who desperately needed professional help. I was fine, why couldn't he just accept that? Why did he always have to pry further into these matters, even though he knew fully well that he wouldn't like the outcome?

"I'm not trying to use it against you Laurence, I'm just trying to help you, why can't you understand that? I'm sorry that I appear to be trying to patronise you and act like I know what's going on because I don't, but I want to. Please Laurence, just let me in" Zachary begged, a few tears of his own cropping in his eye line, causing me to sniffle lightly. I hated making him feel so upset and even at times like this, when my anger had flared up to its full extent, the sight of my best friend looking so distressed and lost across the room from me still managed to break my heart and so, swallowing back the remaining piece of my pride, I slowly crossed the room and engulfed Zachary tight in my arms, sighing guilty as I felt him sniffle against me.

"I'm sorry okay? I'm just...bad at opening up to people about stuff like this, I guess" I whispered in Zachary's hair, and I felt him laugh quietly at my awkwardness. "I never have been good at opening up about my feelings, but I guess you deserve to know about it after what you just saw" I continued wit a gulp, my palms becoming sweaty at the thought of opening up about this to Zachary, despite the fact that he was my best friend. He smiled up at me reassuringly and nodded, gently coaxing me into carrying on.

"Lately...I've been feeling down about myself, and I guess I've been taking it out on everyone around me like an asshole. It's just...I see you and Kier and Drew and Shane and Luke...and I instantly feel so inferior compared to you. Constantly surrounding me are beautiful people...and then there's me...a complete and utter...slug" I whimpered quietly, my breath catching in my throat the moment I realised I had said the words out loud and that Zachary had heard me, that he'd finally found out the pathetic reason behind my sudden mood swings and intolerable behaviour. At first, I expected him to scream at me, to tell me to stop being so fucking pathetic, but instead he just took both my hands in his and sniffled lightly, a weak smile soon flitting onto his features.

"Oh Laurence, you're so silly. I can't believe you were so scared to tell me that sweetie, I thought you were about to confess to having done something terrible, not to having doubts about yourself. I can't believe you didn't tell me sooner, you should know by now that all I ever want to do is help you" he whispered quietly, causing a brief smile to fill my features at the thought of someone caring so much about me.

"I know I should have told you...I was just scared you'd find it silly and pathetic and wouldn't want to be my friend anymore" I explained almost inaudibly, looking down at the carpeted floor beneath me, wishing for it to swallow me. I had been such an ass and just after Zachary had vouched to dedicate his free time to help me out, I had responded to him by telling him of my distrust of him in the last few months.

Well done Laurence, friend of the fucking year.

"You don't have to explain Laurence, I understand. But it isn't stupid and it isn't silly and I would never leave you when you needed my help, I couldn't. I know you probably won't believe me right now Laurence, but you are beautiful and one day I will prove that to you, even though I don't know hi to. Please don't ever doubt yourself again, and if you do, come to me before you do anything stupid" he gently took my wrist in his hand and pulled back my long sleeve to reveal the fresh cuts carved into the chubby flesh. I winched lightly at the sight of them and instantly dropped my head on shame, yet no words of disapproval or disgust emanated from Zachary's lips. "Remember Laurence, nothing is ever worth hurting yourself over again. Am I understood?" He questioned firmly, and I nodded my head numbly, allowing Zachary to slowly drag me into the kitchen and begin wordlessly bandage up my arm. For a moment, neither of us said a word. I wanted to thank him for this, for caring, yet I couldn't seem to get the correct words out. I wanted to apologise for shouting at him in my upset, yet for some reason, my throat had turned dry and scratchy, turning my words to sawdust. So instead I watched silently as Zachary slowly bandaged my wounds with his nimble fingers, neither of us daring to say a word until the bandage was securely wrapped around my wrist.

"Right Laurence, I think it's time for you to get some sleep; hopefully that will give you some time to feel better and get your thoughts together" Zachary suggested, and I nodded timidly, knowing better than to argue with him when he was like this. Once Zachary got into the mood where he wanted to take care of me and help me through something, he would never relent on certain issues, and I knew this would be one of them, making an argument fruitless. Besides, hopefully some sleep would do me good.

"Okay, night Zachary...and thanks for everything"

I groaned lightly as I slowly opened my eyes and became drawn back into the harsh reality of my real world, and the dimness of my bedroom. I grumbled as I turned over on my bed, letting out a quiet sigh when I saw the late time illuminated on the alarm clock beside my bed. Zachary started work early in the mornings and by now, I was fairly sure I had missed him, despite the fact that I had wanted to rise early and make him a Brilliant breakfast in order to thank him for last night.

Slowly, I pushed myself up from the bed and walked over to the mirror, ready to do my morning ritual of overanalysing every aspect of my reflection. However, a scrap of paper hanging in the frame of the mirror caught my eyes and, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I grabbed the paper and slowly began to read its contents, the smile on my face gradually growing at the beautiful words written there.

Good morning Laurence, I'm so sorry I didn't wake you up this morning to say goodbye, but you looked so peaceful sleeping that I couldn't bare to wake you up, in case I made you upset again. I know that when I get back you'll probably bombard me with constant thank yous and apologies for last night, but there really is no need for it. I'm your friend and I'll always be with you no matter what, just like you will be.

If you're reading this now, you'll probably be just about to do your daily looking in the mirror and sighing routine. But before you do, just remember this: You are perfect Laurence Beveridge, and you always will be. So many people admire you and love you, and so many others wish it be you. We all love you Laurence, and you have no reason to have any doubts. Stay strong, and I'll see you tonight
Zachary xx

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