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“That was great!” Niall says as I put my guitar down. “You’re a natural at this,” he adds, smiling.

I laugh. “I’m still not as good as you.”

“You’ll get there,” he tells me with a wink. I roll my eyes, smiling.

“He’s right. You’re pretty good for a beginner,” Harry tells me.

“What do you know about guitar?” I ask him.

“I know everything about everything,” he jokes. Natalie, his girlfriend, laughs from the seat next to him.

“That’s probably the least true thing I’ve ever head come out of your mouth,” she says. He smiles and kisses her. I liked the two of them together. They were really cute. They’ve been together since last summer when Harry went to his cousin’s lake house, and I honestly am a huge fan of their relationship.

Harry and I are friends now. We’re both happy with who we’re dating and nothing is weird between us, which I’m happy about. Niall is the greatest boyfriend I ever could ask for. We haven’t had a single problem since we got back together and I think I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.

I’ve moved to the UK permanently for now. My American parents are staying in America, but every summer they visit. I’ve been spending a lot more time with the Tomlinson’s and I can’t help but wonder if this would be my life if I grew up with them.

Carly and Zayn are very happy together as well. Because of him, she’s moved out to England as well. She wants to start a career as an actress, which I think is great. It’s always been a dream of hers. I also am happy that I get to keep my best friend, even after I switched countries.

Liam still has Danielle, and Louis is still single. He’s gotten over Eleanor, which is great. In fact, I’ve even seen him flirt with a few women since they broke up. I’m really glad he’s back on his feet and hasn’t given up on love entirely.

Right now I have everything I ever could have wanted. I’m happier than I’ve ever been and I wouldn’t ask for anything more.

Being surrounded by all these people I love is great. I feel like by coming to meet my family of six, I ended up with a family of thirteen. Most people would be crazy to want a family of thirteen.

But I guess you could call me insane.

~Adopted, over and out~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2013 ⏰

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