Chapter 19

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When Niall kissed me I forgot about everything. I forgot about Harry. I forgot about our friendship. I forgot about trying not to mess up the band.

I just thought about the moment. What was happening right now.

Eventually my brain started to function again and I remembered all the reasons this shouldn't be happening right now. I put my hands on his chest and lightly pushed him away.

"Niall...." I started to say, but I was speechless. He was still so close to me. I opened my mouth but no words came out. He just looked back at me, sadness in his eyes. I saw a flash of anger for a moment. His hands balled up into fists.

"Harry's a player. I hope you're happy together." With that he stormed out of the room.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to think. I was stuck in the middle and no matter what choice I made someone would end up getting hurt. I'm sure they would end up pissed at each other. Or pissed at me. Either way, it wasn't good, and I wish there was a way everyone could be happy.

There was something about that kiss that I couldn't say about when I kiss Harry. I felt something. I felt sparks. Fireworks. Butterflies in my stomach. I didn't feel that with Harry. But I did with Niall.

I trudged back to my room and closed the door a little too hard, locking it behind me. I sunk down to the floor and leaned my back against the locked door. I hugged my knees to my chest and shut my eyes. I need time to relax and think this all over. A knock on the door disturbed me.

"What," I say, not exactly a question or a statement. More like a sound of annoyance.

"Lee, you okay?" I could hear Liam's voice from the other side. I sigh. Besides Louis and Niall I felt like I could tell Liam anything. If Niall wasn't here then Liam would probably be my best guy friend. In fact, recently Niall hasn’t been here. He’s been too busy pouting, so who better to turn to than Liam?

"Not in the mood to talk right now."

"Leah please let me in..."

"No." I could hear him sigh and try to twist the doorknob.

"I have skittles," he persuades. I smile a bit and roll my eyes. "Leahhhh," he whines. I don't say anything. "You know I have a key somewhere...." I roll my eyes again and stand up. I open the door and see a smiling Liam there.

"Where's the skittles?" I smirk.

"I dunno," he shrugs and walks into my room. I close the door and cross my arms. He plops onto my couch and looks at me. We sit in silence for a while, just waiting for the other person to talk. When I don't he sighs. "Are you going to tell me what happened?"

"I wasn't planning on it."


"Because I don't even understand what happened!"

"Does it involve Niall?"

"What makes you think that?"

"Because he just stormed out of his room like five minutes ago looking like he was about to kick a puppy."

".....Where did he go?" I didn't want him to go off and punch Harry. That wouldn't end well.

"I saw him go out back I think." I quickly walk to my window that overlooked the backyard and sure enough saw Niall with his soccer ball, pounding against the side of the house. I sigh. "I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on."

"I don't know if I should tell anyone...."

"I can keep a secret."

"Can you keep it from Harry?" I ask. He raises his eyebrows and looks at me. "Niall.....Niall kissed me," I blurt out hesitantly. Liam stares at me.

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