Chapter 4

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I quickly change into sweatpants and a t-shirt. Comfortable movie-watching clothes.

Sure enough moments later Louis knocks on my door. "Yeah?" I say as he comes in. A smirk is fixed on his face.

"You found a hiding spot, eh? You can hear a lot from those steps," he says. I smile.

"Eavesdropping isn't usually my thing." He chuckles.

"Did you hear our whole conversation?"

"Pretty much. Did you know I was there the whole time?"

"I kind of suspected, but it wasn't until I looked over and saw you that I was sure."

I smirk.

"You ready? The film is about to start. I told the lads I was here to tell you to hurry up." I laugh, nod, and follow him down the steps.

"Niall found the popcorn," Liam says when we walk into the living room. Niall then flicks a piece at Liam, hitting him on the forehead. I giggle and plop down on the couch between them. I reach for the bowl, but Niall moves it away from me. A smirk on his face.

"Sharing is caring!" I complain.

"Not when it comes to Niall's food," Zayn laughs. I stick out my bottom lip in a pout.

"Please?" I ask Niall. He looks at the bowl of popcorn, debating whether or not to give me some. While he's thinking I snatch the bowl from him and run away.

"HEY!" he yells, smiling as he gets up to chase after me.

"Run Leah!" the boys all cheer me on, laughing. I run into the kitchen and open one of the cabinets. I place the popcorn on one of the shelves and close the door quietly. I sit on the counter, letting my legs dangle off the edge. Niall comes running in. I smile at him innocently.

"Where is it?" he asks suspiciously.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I say, smiling sweetly. He narrows his eyes and smiles evilly. "LOUIS! NIALL IS TRYING TO KILL ME BECAUSE I STOLE HIS FOOD!" I scream. I jump off the counter and run through the house until I end up back in the living room. I hide behind the couch Louis and Harry are sitting on.

"What are you doing?" Harry chuckles.

"SHH!! He's coming!" I whisper-yell. Seconds later I hear Niall's footsteps and his heavy breathing, indicating he's out of breath.

"She hid my popcorn!" he complains in a whining tone. The boys laugh.

"You poor deprived child," Louis says sarcastically, making me struggle not to giggle.

"Leah?!" Niall calls. I put my elbows up on the back of the couch and place my chin on top of my hands. I smile innocently.

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