Leaving The Ocean

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"Do you have to go?" Whined Nara.

I nodded and gave her a sweet smile. Nara was only seven and had a lot of energy, her brown wavy hair with her grey eyes made her look like a sea goddess. I was jealous of her but yet she was young. Her face feels like a soft pillow while her tail shimmers a green and blue color. Why of all mermaids, Nara had to be the most beautiful. I thought to myself.

"I don't want you to go." She whined again.

"But I have to sweetie, I promise I'll come back and visit."

The look in her eyes made me feel bad and although you can't really tell when she's crying you can see it in her face.


I flapped my tail to her response.

"Please come back soon." She said softly.

I hugged her tightly and I felt her wrap her tail around me. We didn't have a family once mum and pa were gone. Mum was killed by scientist when they were exploring our kingdom. It has been 9 years that she has been gone and Pa washed up on the shore, none of us knew how or why but that's how it happened.
We all had our very own special power and mine was turning into a human. Wonderful I know.

After I said my goodbyes I gave Nara a quick hug and kiss then swam off up to the surface flapping my tail hard and carrying my luggage. You may be wondering how I'm carrying that so let me tell you. We mermaids have this small scale on our tails that when you detach it from the tail it turns into a suitcase. I peeped my head out of the water and saw a couple humans playing, walking doing whatever on the beach shore. I couldn't let them see me so I swam to a vacant spot on the beach.

I walked along the road looking for a taxi or someone to take me to the university. Cars passed and I was being stared at, little did I know that my body was giving off a shimmery glow. I tried covering up with the jacket I had and it worked...somewhat.

Is it really this hard to find a cab? I said to myself.

As I walked a car stopped right beside me. I looked at the car then at the driver, it was a girl around my age. She saw the shocked look on my face and smiled.

"Lemme guess, you're heading to Stratford?" She asked.

I nodded and she gestured me to get in her car, at first I was hesitant but she reassured me it was okay. I got in and we drove to Stratford, it was 3 hours away from Dikies beach.

"I never got your name." She finally broke the silence.

"Its Luna."

"Luna? As in a female wolf?" She giggled.

I nodded.

"I'm Fawn by the way, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

A couple minutes passed and we arrived at Stratford University, from the looks of it I bit of more than I can chew.

Oh Pa, help me.

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