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   A few days have past and the day finally came were we arrived at Manhattan. These past few days, a lot has happened. Jeanine's parents figured out she was missing, and Zach figured out his mom was pregnant. I dont know why, they hid it from him for three months, oh well. I have tried about 15 spots on the train to open locks with the key, but none of them worked. But, I still have hope, or.....at least i'm trying to. 

A few hours later, We pull over to a train station. I almost couldn't believe our trip was almost over, Jeanine and I worked so well together and we have made so many memories. There was a small green bus with camo on it when i looked outside the window. I'm guessing its for Winston. The doors open and Jeanine and I rush outside. When Winston finally comes out, I run up to him. "WINSTON STOP!" I shout.

"Eva?! What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be at home!" He says

"Look, you can't go"


" Because I love you! A lot of people do! don't you see that?! Jeanine and I rode this train all the way just to find you! And it was kind of fun too. These past few days I've learned respect, survival, and using your mind. If you go to Afgahnstan, then im going with you!"

"Eva, I spent 200$ to do this, i'm sorry but I can't turn my back now"

My heart drops as i see him walk into the bus

"No!NO!!" I shout

I'm so upset, I need to go with him! He can't just leave me! I chase after the bus as it starts to leave but then Jeanine holds me back with her arms and says

"EVA! It's over give it up ok?"

I started to cry

I look at the bus as it continues to drive through the busy street, then I reliaze something. 

"Oh my god, JEANINE!"

She lets go of me

 "What is it?"

"Jeanine! There's a lock on the van! We have the key one more try!" I say

"How will we catch up to the bus its already getting ready to leave"

"Over there!" I point to a rack of bikes and she takes one which i guess was unlocked and she gets on, i jump on it too sitting right behind her. When she finally catches up to the bus, I try to  stand on the bike. Once i finally find my balance, I pull the key out of my pocket and then all of a sudden, I see Winston waving his hands trying to warn me about something but i couldn't understand what, so i ignore him. 

   I put the key in the hole and as soon as im about to turn it, BAM!

Jeanine and I fall straight to the floor, only to open our blurry eyes to see that crazy lady whose makeup we stole, Anne.

 "You honestly thought you could get rid of me?"

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