Chapter 6: The truth part 2

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3:00pm in the SMSALA underground lab facility.
-It all started in the 1970's where the GEI and NGC were at top of their game, they were about to announce something unbelievably outstanding- Sebastian explained.
-They have created there very first genetically enhanced supersoldiers- Peter said.
-But something went wrong with their genome that malfunctioned the enhanced genes- Luis said worried.

April 25, 1986, 1:20 in the announcement arena in Chernobyl, Russia.
*in Russian language*
-Now we present you our very own super soldier task force- The host of the activity announced to everyone in the area.
-Now, see them in action- He said.

As the test subjects started to demonstrate there full capacity, they started to shiver, tremble and steam came out of them. As they kept doing the same the steam coming out of them increased until they exploded into million pieces, and the explosion spread all the radiation to almost every part of Chernobyl.

3:15pm in the SMSALA underground lab facility.
-Then, nothing could be done, they continued their experiment in a secret laboratory just like this one and cause all this shit- Peter explained.
-So it's all your guys faults?!- Jimmy asked with frustration.
-Yes- They answered.
-Well, you pieces of shit are gonna tell me where the fuck are those high tech suits, and maybe you will make it out of here alive- Jimmy threatened them.
-Ok, there in the vault right behind us- Luis said nervous.

As Jimmy walks towards the vault he sees that the only way to get inside is to put a password.

-How am I supposed to know what fucking password I have to put in that shit!- Jimmy yelled.
-Jimmy, calm the fuck down, your going kookoo bro- Johnny said worried that Jimmy would go berserk or something.
-Me Johnny kookoo, WTF is wrong with you, I'm fine, never better- Jimmy said to Johnny.
-What's the password or I'll put a bullet in your fucking brain- Jimmy threatened Sebastian.
-I ain't telling you shit, in the name of science I won't do anything to help you open that vault!- Sebastian yelled with pride.
-Fine...BAM!!!- Jimmy said and paused, then he shot him in cold blood.
-Jimmy WTF, you've gone mad!- Johnny yelled and shocked by what just happened.
-Don't you get it Johnny?, this is how you can get information out of wimps like these three here in a world like this- Jimmy explained to Johnny while he was acting crazy or uneasy.
-You lost your humanity Jimmy your literally a madman- Johnny said to Jimmy worried about what is he gonna do next.
-Remember what I said earlier Johnny, "to live in a mad world, you have to embrace the madness" and that's what I'm doing, I'm embracing it- Jimmy said acting crazier by the minute.
-If you are gonna keep this up, I'm sorry but I think I can no longer be your best friend bro, cause I don't want to spent my rest of the days surviving in an apocalypse watching you go through a path of carnage and rage- Johnny explained to Jimmy.
-Then maybe we should stop being best friends!- Jimmy yelled to Johnny.
-Then it's settled, if that's your choice then I'm out, see you back in the bunker- Johnny said dissapointed at Jimmy.
-Fine!, I don't need your help I can take the information out of these wimpy bitches without you!- Jimmy yelled to Johnny while Johnny was walking out of the laboratory.

4:30pm in the SMSALA underground lab facility.
-Ok, it's been almost an hour that I've been torturing you guys and I've gotten only shit out of you guys, you guys really don't want me to get in that vault, what do you guys really have in there?- Jimmy said and asked tired with a serious face.
-*Silence*- Nobody said nothing.
- So that's how you guys are gonna play it then, let us see, I pulled your nails out, I skinned part of your bodies, punch you guys alot, what else can I do?, oh I know, I can cook you guys alive in the radiation thing right next to the vault, or...*Jimmy grabs a nut cracker* ...I can crack your nuts with this nut cracker literally, do you guys really want me to do this? There are still a lot of toys and shit to use for you guys, so?- Jimmy threatens the scientists.
-*Silence*- Nobody talks.
-Ok then you guys asked for...- Jimmy said.
-Wait!, wait!, fine I'll tell you, just stop, please stop!- Peter yelled to Jimmy.
-The password is 1234- Peter said.
-Really?- Jimmy asked, doubting Peter.
-Yeah, I'm totally serious- Peter said without a smirk in his face.

As Jimmy walked over the door, he dialed the numbers in the keypad, and as the doors opened he saw a monstrosity, it looked like one of those howlers, he was in the middle, and there were cages around it full of greenies.

-WTF is all this?!- Jimmy said surprised.
-What are those greenies, and that howler doing in that vault?- Jimmy said looking at the scientists.
-They are test subjects for the cure to all this shit- Peter said with a face of regret and guilt.
-Well, I don't see none of them cured, so what's the deal- Jimmy asked Peter.
-These test subjects were not fully healed and got some kind of weird side effects that I can't describe very well- Peter explained.
-So those monsters called howlers... you guys made them?- Johnny asked Peter.
-Well... yeah and I'm not happy about it of course- Peter explained.
-So stop this NOW!- Jimmy demanded.
-I can't, it's to late- Peter said.
-Well then, why don't you eliminate the test subjects?-Johnny asked/suggested.
-For what?, just to kill like 6 of thousands that are around the world- Peter said.
-Well you gotta start somewhere and make things right- Johnny said.
-Yeah, your probably right but it won't make much of a difference- Peter explained to Johnny.
-At least if you do kill the test subjects it's for a good cause and that's what's important right now- Johnny said to Peter while he was thinking about what was the thing that he came to the lab for.
-Well thanks for telling me... um what's your name?- Peter asked.
-Johnny- Johnny answered.
-Oh and where is your friend, the one that was crazy and all that shit?- Peter questioned Johnny.
-Actually, now that you mention it I really do not know- Johnny said worried about Jimmy.

In a secret room where the blueprints of the armor that Jimmy and Johnny were looking for:
-What is this room, is this what I think it is?- Jimmy started asking.

Third person narration:
There was a blueprint in a table that was in the middle of the room, Jimmy goes and checks it out. While he searches he realizes that the blueprints are the ones he was looking for but he sees something else in the table... It's a note that says "There's a prototype of the armor inside a vault hidden in this room, find it and you will live forever". Jimmy, convinced that the armor cam grant you eternal life, he searches deeper in the room and he finds a vault door and it has a passcode.

-Another passcode, could the code be like the last one?- Jimmy asks himself.

*Jimmy puts the same code*

-Ok, it's the same stupidest/easiest code I've ever seen, I'm telling you this scientists are stupid or something- Jimmy says out loud.

Third person narration:
The door of the vault opens, inside of it the prototype of the armor. Jimmy cannot contain the urge to put it on, so he puts it on as quick as possible. After putting it on some kind of tutorial mechanism of the suit initiates itself. The suit explains how it works to Jimmy and later tells him about the ultimate 3 rules for a perfect survival: Rule #1: Always be on alert at all times.
Rule #2: Don't trust nobody, unless the person is trustworthy.
Rule #3: If a person is not classified as trustworthy he or she must DIE.

Author's note: Sorry guys for not publishing more chapters I just took a long break from school and all that you know, so please forgive me, I promise I will send more chapters soon enough it's just a matter of time.

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