Chapter 4- I Promise

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Chapter 4-

Summer, 2005

"Come on, Dillon!" Ian yelled at Mark. There was something about guys that made them want to call everyone by their last name.

Ian and I were holding hands waiting for Mark to catch up, "I'm coming, Bryce."

He caught up and took my other hand. We were on our way to Ian's parents' movie theater. They called it Chance Cinema but I called it Ian's Theater. Being one of Ian's best friend had its perks: free seats whenever we wanted them. 

"Guys, Fantastic Four is going to be awesome," I said. This would be the first movie we were allowed to go see by ourselves. I thought nine years old was a pretty reasonable age to walk a few blocks to Ian's Theater without an adult. Ian's parents could be so overprotective that I was surprised when he asked if we could walk without them and they said yes. 

"I want the power to become fire," Ian said. "Just like Johnny Storm. I'd be able to fly through the sky."

"You would also burn all your clothes off," I giggled. 

Mark laughed causing his dark messy hair was over his eyes, "And we don't want to see that." 

"But I'm so sexy!" Ten year old Ian lifted his shirt. "Look, I have a six pack."

"That is not a six pack," I disagreed. It was a skinny tan stomach and he was certainly not a body builder.

"Yes it is!" Ian protested.

"No way dude. Guys can't get real muscles until their older. It just works that way." Mark said, "Well, at least, I'm pretty sure."

"Either way," I laughed, "That's blubber. No muscle definition there."

"You're just jealous," Ian laughed.

"Yeah, I'm jealous of your blubber." 

"Punch me." Ian let go of my hand and stood in front of me and Mark. "Punch me," he repeated.

"I'm not going to punch you," Mark shook his head.

"I'll do it." I took a step forward and punched. My hand connected with, what do you know, there was muscle there.

"Now do you see!" Ian said, "It doesn't even hurt."

"That's because she's a girl," Mark teased me, picking up some of my long brown hair and tossing it back at me.

Ian shook his head while I lightly punched Mark's arm.

"Since when was Danni a girl, Dillon?" Ian put his arm around Mark's shoulders as we laughed.

"Let's make a deal," Ian said a few minutes later. He stopped walking and we followed suit.

"What kind of deal, Bryce?" Mark was a little skeptical when it came to Ian; we both were.

Ian rolled his bright blue eyes. "It's nothing bad."

We just looked at him.

"I swear!" 

"Okay, what is it then?" I asked. 

"Well, it's more of a promise," he corrected himself.

"Go on," I prompted.

"Let's promise to keep it this way," Ian said, "You know, our friendship. I don't ever want anything to change. It's good like this. We have fun. We're like the Fantastic Four! Except we're three. You know what I mean?" 

"So you're saying you want us to promise to be friends forever?" I asked.

"Duh," Ian stuck his tongue out at me. "Isn't that what I said?"

"Okay," Mark smiled. "I'm in." He put his right hand over his heart and held his left hand up. "I, Mark Dillon, promise to be friends forever with Ian Bryce and Danni Witter."

"What's with saying our last names and the hand thing?" Ian laughed.

"I don't know," Mark shrugged, "It's just cooler that way."

I rolled my eyes. 

"Your turn," Mark looked at me.

In a deep voice to mimic mark, I said, "I, Danni Witter promise to be friends forever with Ian Bryce and Mark Dillon." 

 "My turn!" Ian smiled, "I, Ian Bryce promise to be best friends forever with Mark Dillon and Danni Witter."

"So, what happens if one of us breaks the promise?" I asked. "Is there some form of punishment?"

"Of course, you'd have to live without me," Ian his arm around my shoulder and his other around Mark and we continued our walk.

"So it's official," Mark said, "friends forever."

"Yep." I nodded. "I promise."

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