Chapter 7- Baby Got Back

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Chapter 7- Baby Got Back... the sketches

I had handed in my cellphone at the door and now I felt naked without it. I didn't know what to do. At least if they had let me keep my cellphone I would be able to keep busy; seem like I'm doing something so I didn't have to talk anyone. But no. So I leaned against the wall in his huge living room. I only knew it was his living room because I had been over his house too many times when we were younger. Now, all the furniture was cleared out from the room except some chairs and two tables in the corner. The space had transformed from a comfy tv area to a place for dancing. I watched as guys and girls danced on top of each other in the center of the room. If you could call it dancing. Most of the time I would just seen people jumping around or grinding. There were about five people that could actually dance. I almost wanted to jump in there and show them what REAL club dancing was but I stopped myself. Wasn't going to get involved with this crowd. I was here to find Ian and my sketchpad and get out. If only I had my phone to occupy my time until I spotted him.

I frowned. Ian was no where to be seen. 

"Danni!" I heard a girl call my name. I turned to my left but I couldn't see where the voice was coming from. "Up here!" she shouted over the music. 

I looked up and spotted Sandra, the sweet smart girl from detention on the top of the stairs that led from the open living room to the second floor. She had blonde hair and some freckles on her fair face. Her outfit was a simple dress and and flats. She had a gigantic smile on her face and waved excitedly at me.  I blinked. Was that really her? 

"Sandra?" I pushed myself away from the wall of the stairs and walked around to go up. Taking two at a time I reached her quickly. 

Her smile got even bigger, if that was possible, when I finished climbing the stairs. 

"Why are you here?" Now, maybe that was rude to start off with, instead of saying hello or greeting her but I was so surprised my manners went right out the window. "Did detention start your downwards spiral into popularity?" I joked.

That made her giggle. "No," I thought her cheeks were going to break from all this smiling, "but I think Ian invited me because of detention."

 "Yeah," I said.

"Can you belive this place?" She put her up gesturing to the house. "It's huge and clean and wow that chandelier." 

I looked out over the banaster that we were leaning on. The chandelier took up a huge portion of the ceiling. It wasn't exactly in the living room but it was next to it infront of the stairs near the front door. I always wanted to swing from the stairs to the chandelier. After watching an excessive amout of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee movies, Ian and I had made a deal that we would at least try it once before we were 20. I'm not sure why we chose that age but we did. Mark bet us $100 that we wouldn't ever do it but Ian insisted that we would. I guess Mark was right though. Two years and we would've had to pay up. Would have had to. Not anymore though.

I sighed.

"Rich people right? What are you gonna do?" Sandra said after a moment.

I nodded. 

"Do you want to go get a drink with me?" She asked. I had a feeling I was the only one she's ever actually talked to out of all the guests. I thought it was a little weird Ian had invited her. I hoped it was a genuine invite and not some prank. I hated to see anyone get hurt.

"Sure. Are you sure you want to drink though?" I put my hand on her arm to stop her from going to the stairs just yet.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry." She gave me a nod and motioned for me to follow her down the stairs.

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