Chapter 5- Everyone Changes

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Chapter 5- Everyone Changes

I nudged my friend, "Becky, let's go to the bathroom." 

"But this movie is good." She didn't take her eyes off the screen.

"It's just the previews," I huffed.

"Yeah, but this one seems good," she whispered back. 

I rolled my eyes and waited for the trailer to be over. 

"Now can we go?" I asked.

"We just got here. How could you have to go to the bathroom?" She finally looked at me. I could see the light from the screen reflecting off her eyes. 

"Okay," I sighed, "We don't need to go. Just tell me what you meant when you said it was my fault."

"What was your fault?" A quizzical look spread across her round face. 

"Ian picking on us," I answered quickly.

"If you just went on one date!" Becky said, "Then he wouldn't bother us anymore."

"Oh." For a moment i had thought Beck knew something I didn't. It wouldn't be the first time. She was one of those people who knew what was going on in everyone's life. Well, she knew certain things that were going on in the lives of the people she deemed important, or "relevant" as she put it.

"What did you think I meant?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know."

 The previews ended and the movie started so we fell silent. 


"Alright," Sara said, "How come I wasn't invited?"

It was our lunch period and we were sitting in our usual spot at the cafe across the street from Everson High School. Sara sat across from me while Jason, Becky, and Jason's friend Anthony went to get our food. 

"So, how come?" Sara prompted.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "I tell you that I played a drinking game and ran into Mark Dillon at the movies and that's your response?"

"Yes." Sara crossed her arms. She stuck her head out slightly in front of her with her eyebrows raised, waiting for me to answer.

"I'm sorry," I frowned, "It's usually just the three of us and they both invited themselves over my house."

"Come on, girl." Sara shook her head. "This isn't last year. I'm here now so think of me!"

Crap, I didn't want this to turn into a fight.

"I know," I said and put a hand on her shoulder, "I'm sorry, I just wasn't thinking." 

"It's alright," she said as her pout turned into a smile, "Anyway! You drank and fell on Dillon!" 

"That's the response I was expecting!" I laughed. "But, uh, when you say it like that it sounds like I was under the influence when I ran myself into Mark."

Sarah smiled, "You shouldn't be doing that." She shook her head. "Anyway, serious now." She ran her hand in front of her face changing it from a bright smile to a serious grimace. "I'm surprised by you. Drinking on school grounds. Where was that little rule book you have in the back of your mind when you decided to play?"

"I do not have a little rule book in the back of my head!" I protested.

She smirked, "It sure seems like it sometimes."

"Oh, stop it." My stomach growled so I looked around for Becky and the boys. They were at the other counter waiting for their food.

"But really, what were you thinking?" Sara asked. "It's not like I'm mad because, damn, it's about time you did something stupid-you make us look really bad by being so perfect all the time-but what was going through your mind?"

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