It's so cute

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                       My OVA
     "Ok so I made a list of ingredients that I need to do my cooking." I say as we approach the store. "You can cook?" Darling-kun asks. "Yep. Actually I'm pretty good at it." I smile at the memories of my childhood when I used to cook with my family. "Well then what are you cooking for the group this week?" I think for a minute and then I answer "It's a surprise!" I laugh. "Ok. Now that me see that list of yours." Darling-kun reaches out his arm to take the piece of paper from me. I hand it to him. "Just so you know those ingredients are all for different dishes, so don't try guessing what I'm making." I laugh. "Ok, ok, you win." Darling-kun laughs with me. "So the first thing is this way." Darling-kun points down one of the isles. "Then let's go that way." I giggle as I grab his arm. I skip down the isle with my tail wagging and my ears flopping. "Being in the human world is so exciting!" I exclaim to Darling-kun. He laughs at my excitement.
Miia's OVA(or pov I forget)
     "Uggh! It's no fair!" I whine. "Why does he have to like the new girl and not me!" I complain to Centoria. "You're telling me." She replies with a stubborn expression. "Yeah I am." I smartly reply. She sighs and leaves the room. 'Well that wasn't very nice of her to leave like that.' I think to myself. "I wonder if he really does prefer that new girl over me. What was her name again. Oh right Crista." I say out loud to no one in particular, mainly to myself though because there's no one else in this room. "What's so great about her?" I whine. "A lot of things." I hear a voice from behind me. I turn around and see Pappy. "Like what?" I ask. "Well for starters she looks slightly more human than the rest of us. And she's a little more 'Adult'." She puts quotations around her words with her feathers. "Pappy's just saying she can do a lot of fun things." She shrugs. My face turns red at the thought of her doing fun things with Darling-kun. "F-F-Fun things..." I start to stutter, my face gets hotter. "What's wrong?" Pappy waves her arms in my face trying to get my attention "HELLO!" I hear a ticked of Pappy say. "Ah oh sorry Pappy I was just thinking about something." I start thinking about it again. NO. I mentally shake myself. I shouldn't think of such bad things Darling-kun might like me even less and Crista might hate me. WAIT WHAT THE FUCK WHY SHOULD I CARE WHAT THAT BITCH THINKS OF ME!!!! My thoughts start to aggravate me. Why would I care how my enemy thinks of me. "You should be nicer to Crista." Pappy chirps. "Why is that?" I groan. "Because she's nice and you might end up liking her." "I think I already might." I mumble. Surprised by what I say I cover my mouth. "I'm sorry say that again Pappy couldn't hear you very well. Pappy has hard time hearing." I quickly lie taking an advantage of her hearing, "I said I'll try to get along with her." "Ooooohhh good." Pappy smiles, "Well I'm going to go take a bath, Pappy feels dirty." "Ok." I nod my head as she leaves. Oh lord I think there's something wrong with me. I think to myself. I know I'll just watch some tv to take my mind off of it. I grab the remote and flip through the channels till I find something suitable. "Ahh perfect citrus sounds like a good show." I decide to watch this show.
(Authors note: for all of you who don't know citrus is a Yuri anime about to girls who end up being sisters and they fall in love sorta, I haven't finished it I just thought it would be really Ironic)
                   MY POV (I'm pretty sure I got it right now)
     "~ahh~ finally finished" I sigh as me and Darling-kun walk back to the car. Darling-kun laughs at my statement. "I hope everyone likes my cooking." I blush. "I'm sure they will, I know I will." He smiles back at me. I smile and bump into him with my hip "Don't get all soft on me, that's sickening." I pretend to gag and end up bursting into laughter and Darling-kun laughs just as much as me. "You know you're a lot to handle." Darling-kin states. "Oh what's that supposed to mean." I put my hand on my hips, squint my eyes, and stick out my tongue. "Ha, it means you're a lot of fun to be around." "Aw so sweet." I bat my eyelashes and giggle. "You're fun too." I punch in the shoulder. We continue to play around like this on the car ride home.
~~~ After the Car Ride~~~
    "We're home!!" I loudly announce as we walk in the door. "Yay!" Pappy runs over and gives me a hug. I hear a weird noise, kinda like a moan. "What the hell is that noise?" I walk into the living room to find Miia watch two girls making out. They start to get a little aggressive. "Is this what you do when we're gone?" I point to the tv and Miia quickly grabs the remote and shuts off the tv. She looks at me, her face is completely red. I die of laughter. "Why are you laughing?" She sounds kinda angry with me. "Sorry, sorry I just didn't take you as the kind of person that would watch ummm that type of stuff." I use my hands to signal what I'm saying. "Oh well that was nous umm channel surfing." She lies and starts to blush. "Well I'm going to go to my room now." She quickly scoots off to her room. "I wonder what that was all about." I scratch my head as I look at the empty doorway. Darling-kun walks in the room, "What happened?" He asks, I put my finger on my mouth and give him a confused look. "I'm not sure," I pause, "Do you?" "No I wasn't here." "Oh, well anyway let's cook!" I grab his arm and pull him into the kitchen with me. I stumble and fall on top of him. I giggle and put my head on his chest "shush, don't tell anyone, and don't get all mushy on me." I say as I listen to his heart beat. So warm, I wonder what Miia thinks of me, I also want to know what Darling-kun thinks of me too. Hmm I slowly drift off to sleep.
Ahhh thank you guys sooooooo much for reading this far!!! I hope you like it and I will keep it a Yuri I promise, I just was a little confused at one point if I should continue righting a Yuri because I'm straight and I thought that I should just leave it to the professionals but if you guys want me to continue righting it as a Yuri then I will. I promise to try my best ^•^ Also if you have any suggestions for the story, or any of my stories, please send me a message. Thanks so much for reading all this, Cya next time 😜

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