My Name.

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I don't know what to do. Randys about to wake up. I can't think.. Everything is changing.
Its unfair. Why Stacy? Why not Brie?
Am I just not good enough? What can I do to be perfect in your eyes. But then I thought to myself...

"Randy..." I said.

His head was turned. But I knew for a damn fact, he was not sleeping.

"Randy. Say Something." I said. I sat down next to him, and looked at him.
Gently, I leaned in, to his ear, and rook a deep breath.
Everything thats happened.
Stacy, My Birthday, WWE, and...


"You're scared." I whispered to him, Despite the whisper, I was positive he could hear. He didn't turn. He didn't move.
"You're scared of being in a serious relationship. You didn't forget my birthday. Theres no way you could."
I studdered. "And you didn't purposely cheat on me on person, you just didn't want to get close. And you said Stacys name on purpose because. . . you knew I would get angry, and that would be-"

"- my punishment." He finished my own sentence.


He took a deep breath and turned his body straight, not looking at me, just the ceiling. His hands were behind his head. Randys eyes were red, it seems he didn't sleep well.

"I hate you Brianna." His voice boomed.

But when I bit my lip, I realized, he doesn't mean it.
"No you don't. " I smiled.

His eyes narrowed to me. I couldn't help, but stare at him back. "I hate how you just look into me, and find the good-"

"Your not evil Randy."

"I'm bad for you."

"Theres no such thing as good, nor bad."

He stood up and gripped his hands on my shoulder. He pulled me so close to him that I could smell the cologne he decided to wear the previous night. Old me would have been scared to death by this action, but I'm no longer that person.

"OH YEAH?!?! IF I'M SO GOOD. WHY WOULD I CHEAT ON YOU? IF I'M SO GOOD, WHY WOULD I TREAT YOU LIKE SHIT? IF I'M SO GOOD WHY DIDN'T I HAVE YOU FIRST INSTEAD OF BRYAN? IF I'M SO GOOD, WHY WOULD I SIT AND WATCH A THE AUTHORITY ATTACKED YOU?!? IF I'M..." His voice sreamed at me. His veins popped out, and his eyes were pulling out small tears. " If I'm so good... why did I hurt you?"

I closed my eyes. His words... Randy will always be a mystery. I want to capture what he's thinking...
I took a deep breath and said,

"If your so bad... why don't we just break up then?" I smiled at my own words, waiting for his reaction.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2016 ⏰

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