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"What?!?!" Steph screamed.

"Do I have to repeat myself?" Randy questioned.

Stephanie puffed her face the same way I did when I eat something sour.

"You can't take a "little" break. Randy..." She said with concern. "Your career is at a high point, one of the greatest paperiews are coning up and you are the STAR!"

"Steph, your making me blush." He joked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Randall. You can't. Do this. You can't go on vacation... think of the WWE, think of the fans."

"I love my fans Steph, but, I need to fix something."

"Randall. We still have one more Raw to promote the paperview. We you need you there."

"You can do that without me."

"I'm sorry but, you can't take time off to this Bella. I'll pretend this convo never happened, and you can go get your fancy car ready, and head to Detroit for Raw."

I stood up and reached for the door but, Randy hwld my hand to stop me.



"Don't ever speak of Brie, as this Bella, ever again."

She laughed. "What will you do about it?"

"Then I'll quit."

Stephanie coughed, and laughed. "What?"

"You heard me Steph. You can't let me enjoy, just a week off and give some respect to Brianna... You can say goodbye to the Viper. And the main event."

I smiled at Randys words. Beating Stephanie at her own game. Black mailing. I love it.

Stephanie was silent for a whole minute.

She looked down and crossed her arms and muttered.
"Have a fun trip and don't forget to warm up for the paperview."

Before I knew it, I was being dragged by Randys hand, leaving the arena, putting my career on pause, and continuing my love life.

WWE Beauty and The Beast 2Where stories live. Discover now