Chapter 5: The Total Opposite

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"State your defense, True Gem Holder." I hate this man. This whole room stinks. Stinks of the sign of struggle to no avail. I did nothing wrong, but yet they're blaming everything on me. Was it because I wasn't born like the gem I was suppose to be?

But they won't listen to me at all. I'm a rebel to the whole system. Unlike the other true gems holder, I steal the abilities from other holders. That was never the Aquamarine trait. The once glistening gem was dimmered by a dark shadow. It was because I had an ability similar to the Diamond Holder, that I'm ridiculed.

The Topaz User was my replacement. That person that was attacked by a Fragment just suddenly came into the circle of True Gem Holder. And his ability? Was copying. But he didn't have to take their whole ability. I had to.

"I hate you." I cruelly said, as they took me off to my new room. My jail.

No one will never believe me.

"Aquamarine....?" Ai peered into the room, closing the door quietly. The room was pure white, as if only the truth fills the air. It was a large room too, fitting beds, dining table, bathrooms, and every necessity. There were no photos though. As if no one should know what's happening outside.

She couldn't see a male. She can sense his presence. The crying of the Aquamarine. Her powers were still dormant, but this she could feel. It was such a strong presence. He's been lying here for someone to listen to his cries.

She remembers a similar scenario that she had, when she was being ridiculed by the Fragments. She was often bullied and lonely, since she was so much different from other Fragments. For one thing, she could feel the slight presence of emotions behind the Fragments. No Fragment should have the ability.

As the cut off from personalities, they would only sense their own and others don't matter. In a sense, they're selfish and don't care for others.

"I'm the... True Diamond User. Aquamarine, please show yourself!" She shouted, as her sight just changed. Everything was like seeing through a gem, a kaleidoscope type feeling. The room didn't feel lonely anymore.

Looking toward the light blue bed, she saw a gem glistening.


Walking over there, she felt her steps being heavier and heavier. Was there something wrong about Aquamarine? He was a True Gem Holder. Why was he kept captive like a canary?

Slowly bringing up the cover, she was yanked into the bed itself. The cover fell on top of her, as she notice a slight breathing near her neck. Arms were put around her, forcing her to face toward the other person in the bed.

The man had white hair, having a grin on his face. Ai felt terrified. Why was she terrified? It wasn't his looks... It was...

"How about I fuck you senseless?"

His gem was pure black.


"What are the qualities for the Queen of Birth, Akashi?" Midorima pushed his glasses up, as Akashi was looking at all the monitors. The monitors was videotaping, from hidden cameras, in the area of Shibuya. They were looking for the followers of Fluorite.

Genesis knew of what was upcoming, ever since the Queen of Birth appeared suddenly. The Prophecy that haven't been fulfilled for the longest time, will be fulfilled by their generation. It was a famous Prophecy that appeared every century.

"The Queen of Birth can connect with other gems. Do you know how Diamond can appear in many shades? It works in the same concept. If anything, depending on the connection they have, she can amplify their power or transform them."

"Transform them?"

Akashi didn't speak as he looked intently at one monitor. He streamed backward, hoping to catch it once again. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw it.

There was always a show at Shibuya, but most people don't watch it due to the lack of excitement. But this time, millions are watching the broadcast from the 7th Leader.

"Look who we have today as a special guest!"

The mans face was beaten up, but Akashi knows who it is. With the familiar red hair and heterochromatic eyes, wearing the Genesis Uniform, and the grin-----

Akashi's father.

The Leader of Genesis at Tokyo.


Ai felt the prowling male bite her neck, beckoning some blood to seep out. She almost screamed at the pressure as the male only grinned at the hicky he gave her. He will never forgive Genesis or the True Gems. His goal will be completed.

If he tainted the Pure Queen of Birth.

"Phantom Shot!" The invisible bullet nearly shot the male as he dodged quickly with Ai in his arms. Seeing the blood seeping out of her neck, Kuroko cursed silently as he revealed himself from the shadows. He had his armor on him, wearing a similar black dog jacket on his body, black pants, and the black rifle.

In the research done, unless she uses her gem, she still has her Fragment traits. One of them, was the lack of blood. Because Fragments eats gems but still have human traits, their lack of blood are dire. Right now, with Ai drowsy, Kuroko is held in a stand hold.

Especially, when he's battling against the accursed Aquamarine.

"Kuroko! Long time no see! I see you still have control over shadows..." The male muttered under his breath, as he went near Ai's shoulder. "It seems the Queen of Birth is this girl... A Fragment I sense?"

"Aquamarine, step away from the Queen. She is not to be touched by someone repugnant like you." Kuroko said icily.

"Repugnant? Well, I prefer 'cold' if I have to say myself." Sensing the change in temperature, Kuroko hid in the shadows again. This was bad. This was a bad situation. "Icicle Crash!"

Aquamarine was Ice based.

Icicles appeared from the ground as quickly as he said it. Ai was dropped near the first icicle, as the male whispered something and jumped to the icicles he created. Ai felt her conscious coming back as possible. The cold feeling... It was coming back to her.

Seeing that Ai was removed from the males grasp, Kuroko can finally battle seriously. At the most, at the way the temperature was going lower and lower, he could only last ten minutes before freezing to crisp.

"I, Kuroko Tetsuya, the True Opal User, battle the True Aquamarine, to a duel."

"Me, Haizaki? Haha, you can never beat Aquamarine! No one can beat me!" At the most, only Akashi can detain Haizaki without sustaining life threatening damage. Haizaki was his name, as his white hair glistened with the crackling ice.

The True Aquamarine User.

A duel is a fight to death, as ordered by the First Gem Users. If a True Gem Holder say their role and name toward their opponent, there is an automatic sign of a duel.

On Tetsuya's area, on the ground, there was a magic symbol. It was in a shape of a crow. On Haizaki's side, there was a wolf.

<Duel Start>

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