Bathroom Sobbing ~ Episode 4

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Jacob's POV
A tear rolled down her face on to her shirt.
We all got into a large group hug.
"Mum I will always love you and we will get through this together "
I heard the pain in her voice. We all let go she walked up to her room. I gave her mum a big hug. I followed her up to her room. I opened the door and she wasn't there, I tried to open her toilet door but it was locked. I put my ear to the door and hear loud sobbing. I start pounding on the door until it opened. She was sitting in her tub, balling her eyes out. I ran to her and gave her a big hug.
"Every thing will be ok babe!"
"I wanna go to bed!"
I nodded back. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. Lay her in her bed and tuck her in.
"Goodnight Chlo bird" I said as I kissed her fore head.

Author's Note:
Hey guys it Mia, so I guess you guys weren't expecting that Mia's mum would get cancer!  I really hope you enjoyed this episode and see you next time. Bye cuties!
-Mia H.

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