The Fear

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Wrex's POV
"Are we really gonna kill him" I didn't recognize the speaker. My vision was blinded by the door of cupboard I was hiding in. I tried hard not to make a sound. If they find me they definitely won't live me alive. The fear it clinched me. I was paralyzed. My body won't obey me. I ... I can't move.
"That is the only choice we have. It's a small prize we have to pay." That voice! I definitely recognised it. Bang!
I heard a bullet shot.
I woke up late today. I hoped it all to be dream.....
I wished today to be an ordinary day. Yesterday had been too heavy for me. The secret which I accidentally overheard was having hard on me. The secret which if revealed can be disastrous. The secret which changed my opinion about teachers in my school, about everything and everyone. I want to talk to someone but don't know who.
I went to school. It was something I could tell only to my best friends. I tried hard to keep calm and make sure not to reveal anything. Until then I had to hold on. And it was going really fine until the history class started.
"Dude? Done with the assignment?" It was my best friend 'Alex'
But it took me a movement to realise that he wasn't actually talking to me. It was 'Stephen' my other best friend.
"Ya dude done with it, what about you Wrex?"
"Whom are you asking dude. Wrex is the most punctual of all. He definitely finished it on the day it was given right Wrex?" It was Alex who spoke. But who was Wrex? Oh wait! It took me another movement to realize that 'Wrex' was actually my name. You see I have been in a bit confused lately.
"Wh....What assignment?" I managed to speak at last.
"The one about the Alexander the great" Sam told. A faint memory of it flashed in my mind.
"Holy Sh*t. I completely forget about it. I left it at home!" I said and buried my head in my hands.
"The Hitler is gonna kill you" It was Stephen who said that.
I looked up with the eyes about to cry. He was right, our History teacher, Mr. Enric Sweet was the strictest teacher of our school. He was totally opposite his name. I wonder if he has actually heard the word 'sweet' itself. That's the reason we have named him 'Hitler'.
"Guys please help me. I think he is already cross with me about what I did yesterday"
"What exactly did you do?" Alex asked with a smirk on his face.
He was defiantly enjoying my condition.
"You won't believe me what I heard yesterday. But its no time for that, tell me what I am supposed to do."
"Why don't you go back and bring it" finally some wiser words from Stephen.
I looked at my watch it was 10:25 am.
"Not possible. Class will start in five minutes. You won't make it" it Alex.
This was enough to bring back all the terror of Hitler. But he was right.
"Damn I am going to die" I confessed and sat at my place.
The fear it clinched me again. The same fear I had experienced just the day before. The day before.... Some memories from yesterday came back to me. Memories which I whished to forget but can't. Just then I realized... How can Mr. Sweet come in school when he is already......
"Good news guys! Mr. Eric isn't going to come today. It's a free period!" I looked up from my furious thought. It was Elina. She was crying the news to entire class. Everyone screamed with happiness and started moving out. Surly everyone was happy to hear that. Expect me cause I was only one who knew what has stopped him from coming today.
"You are surly lucky Wrex! Mr. Sweet is absent in the very day you forget to bring in your assignment." Sam spoke. Feeling both happy and sad at the same time. Happy to get a free period and obviously sad cause he had his assignment and I had not.
"Guys, there is something I wanna talk to you about. I will meet you at headquarters in fifteen minutes." I managed to speak. And I went out of the class half walking and half running.
"What's up with him today?" I heard max squealing behind.

Rose's POV

"Good news guys! Mr. Eric isn't going to come today. It's a free period!" Elina was screaming the news to the entire class. She definitely was happy as she had forgotten to bring her assignment as usual.
The two of us have been best friend from time immemorial. After she had finished telling the news to every single person she came back to me.
"Don't you think it's a bit unusual of Mr. Eric to be absent?" I enquired as she started pick her things and stuff them in her bag.
"Wwhhhaaaatttt...?????" That was the long reply I got from her." Aren't you happy that we are free from that Hitler for the first time in 2 years? We should be throwing a party." I smirked at her reply. But it was true. Mr. Eric had been teaching us since last 2 years and hasn't been absent a single day. And that was what troubling me. The other side of me was happy though. It was like my head and my heart were in conflict with each other.
"I wonder where Wrex is going." Elina's sudden sentence brought me back from my thoughts. I surged my shoulders in return.
"Hey Stephen wanna grab a coffee? We could hang out together." Elina asked as she saw Stephen going towards the door. She was definitely in him. I just knew her too much for that.
He looked her way and shied and looked down on the floor. I wonder if he feels the same. The class has been talking about the two been dating. Which was definitely true as Elina had given me the slightest detail of each and every one of them.
"Ya, why not." He said look her in the eyes. Her face light up. She was definitely on the cloud 9 to hear that.
Oh oh! (Cough!)
We all turned towards the direction of the sound. It was Alex who was standing right beside Stephen. I wonder how come I didn't notice him. Has he been there the entire time?
"Ya right." Stephen replied looking towards Alex and the then floor. "Sorry Elina but I have some matters to attend and I need to go now and I will see you in the evening and....." And before we could ask anything else he was being pushed out of the class by Alex. They two are together the most of the time. I wonder that made Elina jealous. But she definitely gave a look full of hatred to Alex.
"I am going to kill him someday." She squealed once they were gone.
I just rolled my eyes in reply. But I definitely wanted to know where these 3 best friends were sneaking out. "Boys I tell you..."
Author's note.
Guys I hoped you all liked the first chapter. There is surly more to come. I am really sorry if hurted anyone by mistake. Its completely unintentional.
If there are any mistakes in the text then please bring them to my notice. Any suggestions are always accepted.
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