What? Really?

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Wrex's POV
"What?" I can feel how scared they were from their voice.
"Yes. The reason why he didn't come to school was because he had been lying dead."
"How did you got of there?" max asked finally recovering from the shock.
"After that both men went in washroom I took the chance and ran away as fast I could. I was terrified. It didn't make any sense to me. I just kept running until I was in my room. I locked myself and tried to get some sleep. I... I ..."
"Its fine bro. It's ok." Sam and max came beside me and tried to console me. I finally came out of the shock. And felt relived for the first time since last time. I knew that talking to them would make feel better.
"Did you hear anything they were talking? I mean anything that would give us a clue?" sam asked going back to his place once he had made sure I was fine.
"Ya. Ya. Actually I did hear something." I finally managed to speak.
"What was it?" max asked feeding the fire with the wood we have collected last time.
"Well earlier when the first man was inside the wash room, Mr. Eric and the other many were planning to kill the first man."
"Really? Then how did Mr. Eric end up dying?" max asked again.
"I am not sure, but when the first man came back they went into an argument and... you know the rest."
"Alright first thing cut calling them as first and second man. We gotta name them something. Describe there appearance to Me." sam said. He was definitely trying lighten the atmosphere.
"Well for starters the first one had a beard and moustache. I can easily recognise him. Heighted. Blond. He had broad hands, he looked like he was street fighter. Oh ya. I just remembered, he had a scar on his left eye."
"What about the other one?" sam asked
"I didn't really saw his face but yes he had a tattoo on his right arm."
"Tattoo? That's cool. What kind of tattoo?" max asked surly not able to control his curiosity.
"Let me remember. Oh yes it was an heart with wings."
"A heart with wings? Quite not for a murderer." Sam said making me pass a smirk.
"Well that was what it was."
"Very well then. We will call the first one as... Scar face. That's a nice name. What do you think about the other one max ?" sam replied. And I just shocked my head in return.
"Let's decide its later. We need to leave or we will be late for class." Max replied killing the fire...

Rose's POV

"Oh come on! I was just kidding. Why are you still mad at me?" Ress said shaking me as to wake me up from my thoughts. "Ccoommee oonnn."
"Ok, ok. I forgive you. Ok? Now just put a pin in it." I finally said agreeing after she had pursued for half and an hour. I came back from cafeteria and sat in library completing my home work. I had hardly finished it when Ress came dashing through the door and apologising for what she had said earlier. Then both of us were thrown out of the library for making noise. I wasn't really angry on her for what she said cause I know how she is. Straight forward and loves to tease others. I just acted to be mad since it was because of her that I was thrown out of the library. I mean she can't have all the fun by herself can she?
"So where next?" I had barely finished when the loud sound of the school bell ringing reached my ear.
"Hoommee!" Ress said and I just sighed in return. Why does she have to stress most of her words like that? But I guess that's what gives her, her cheerful character.
Me and Ress always walk home together. My aunt's house was about six blocks away from her. We were about to leave towards the school when I saw max coming out from behind of the school building.
"Hey Max. Over here!" I shouted on top of my voice just to make sure he hears me. he looked towards our direction and started walking.
"Max? Where is he?" I heard Ress beside me and I pointed towards his direction. She instantly saw him and started to wave to him. "Do I look ok?" she asked me flipping her hair in front and trying to straighten them with her hands. All I could do was roll my eyes.
"You look fine. And he likes you as you are." I said keeping my right hand on her shoulder. I could see her blush. I turned to look towards max and saw that two of friends has joined and all three of them approached us.
"Ah... hi Ress." Max said standing in front of her.
"Am... hey sam." Ress replied. And both of them started staring down towards the ground and making design in the soil with their feet. I mean seriously? I bet both of them has thought of almost 100 things to say to each other but were too shy to talk. Now I had to do something.
"Hello everyone. Even we are here." Well it wasn't me but someone had definitely been thinking the same as me. I looked up to see who spoke. It was him.
"Ya. We know even you are here Wrex. No need to remind us again." Ress said finally overcoming her shyness. she seriously wanted to be alone with max for some time. I give her a gentle push with my shoulder signalling her to speak. But the idiot turned towards me and said.
"What?" I quickly pointed towards max with my eyes as to signal her again and luckily she got it this time. " I mean wha... what were you doing behind the school building guys?" she managed to speak.
For some reason all three of them started to look towards each other. They were definitely hiding something.
"We... we were accompanying max. Right max?" sam spoke for the first time.
"Accompanying me?" max asked in total confusion.
"Yes max. Don't tell me you had already forgotten it." Sam said giving a gently pushing max.
"Forget it max. Its fine if you don't want to tell me." Ress said trying hard to control her curiosity to know. She might ask him once they were alone. But max's face was definitely growing pale. "What is wrong with you Wrex?" she continued. "Ever since you came all you have done is kept your hand in your pockets and moved from this leg to that. Are you feeling shy to speak because of something or to be more precise someone?" she said with a chubby voice. I knew where she was taking this.
"I... i..." he began to speak.
"I will tell what we were doing behind the building. Anyone want to know." Sam cut him. He definitely knew his friend too well. And saved him.
"Yes. I wanna know." I said instantly.
"Sam..." max tried to stop him. But he waved him.
"Don't need to be shy max the girls has caught us. Well you see, no you better not see, well..." he continued.
"Come to the point." I snapped.
"Well max was peeing in the woods."
All three of us asked at the exactly same time. I mean seriously?
"Don't be ridiculous sam." Ress said totally not believing. You should have seen the look on max's face. He was melting with shame. A sound of laughing reached my ears. I looked behind sam and saw Wrex laughing his mind out. Looks like someone had overcome on his shyness as well. Even sam had a cheeky look.
"Ya. Am... ya." Sam continued trying really hard to control his laughter. "The school toilets were full and he was not able to control. So he just." And he burst into laughter as well. I looked towards Ress. She was giving a weird look to max. She defiantly didn't believed sam. Max was dying of humiliation.
"We will leave now." He said finally said and grabbed sam and Wrex and moved out of the school gate. "Why is it always has to be Me." he said whispering and with an angry voice.
"They are hiding something aren't them?" I asked Ress once they left. And she just nodded to it.
"Do you think he really.....?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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