The Secrets

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Wrex's POV
"What's up with him today?" I could hear Stephen speaking as I made my way through the trees and bushes.
"Ya first he forgets to bring his project, dazing of in the maths class, and then this urgent meeting. He is definitely worried." I heard Alex replying.
"Ya he was alright till yesterday when we left school. I do have lot of questions to ask him."
"And I will certainly answer them all." I said as I entered our head quarters. It was a piece of small clear ground in middle of woods behind our school. We had found this place in 7th grade when we trying to hide while playing hide and seek. We have been fortunate to find it. It only belonged to the three of us. Just me, Stephen and Alex. We decided to make it our head quarters and implanted six rocks in a circle as for us to sit. We thought that we may be joined by some new people but we never found anyone. Off course we didn't let Elina (classmate and really good friend of three of us and special close to stephen) or Joy (Alex's younger sister who was one grade lower to us) to come here. They didn't even know about it. Actually no one did. This place just belonged to three of us. It was just our secret. The secret we had sworn never to lose. There had been number of times when we came here hiding from all and camp fired here. On weekends and holidays. We came here every single time we got. We mostly come here when we are tired of all the work and studies. Or when we just needed a break from all, but especially when we have to share our secrets. By the time I reached there, Alex and Stephen had already lightened up fire in the centre of the 6 rocks arranged in circle.
"So, what is it this time? Did you found out whom Rose has a crush on?" Alex said mockingly.
"Shut up Alex. Let him speak." Stephen scolded Alex while feeding the fire with more wood gathered from the forest.
"It's really a serious matter guys." I begin while taking my place. We sat at same rock every time and in a triangle leaving a rock between each one of us.
"You guys remember when we separated yesterday after school?" I continued.
"Well after you guys went away I remembered that I had forgotten my Mathematics notebook in the class. So I returned school to get it back. As was about to leave the classroom after getting my text book I saw someone."
"Who?" Both of them asked at the same time.
"I didn't recognize him but I saw that he was holding something in his left hand... it was a...Gun....." I heard them gasp.
"What after that?" Stephen asked with a scared voice.
"I decided to follow him. He went into the old school building. And entered the staff room. I stopped at the door and saw him going into the washroom. I quickly hide myself in the nearby cupboard. And waited for him to be back."
"That was some brave work dude." Alex complimented me. But only I knew that my heart had been pounding so hard the entire time I was in hiding in that cupboard that I even thought it will pop out of my mouth. Even the thought of that bring back the same feeling.
"Dude? You alright?" Alex brought me back to present.
"Ya I am fine. So after that I waited." I continued "before he was back two other men came and guess who was one of them?"
"Mr. Eric." They gasped again.
"It can't be him! I mean that's impossible." Stephen exclaimed. Just like me he hasn't been expecting such news about the Hitler.
"Ya. Mr. Eric maybe is strict but I wonder what he had been doing with a man with gun." Alex said agreeing with Stephen. I just keep looking at the fire in reply. But the same thing has crossed my mind that very movement.
"What about the other one?" Alex asked me with a weird look in his eyes. I just shoved my head in the answer.
"Wha...what happed after that?" Stephen asked with his voice just little more than a whisper. I could clearly feel the curiosity in his voice.
"The other man took out his phone and called someone while Mr. Eric kept an eye towards the door of the washroom." I continued. "The first man came back. 'Ah there you guys are.' He said drying his hands with a handkerchief. That is when they started arguing. I can't remember anything they said. They were talking in whispers and I was too scared to make sense of what they were saying and that's when it happened......." I stooped. All the horrible images came back. I was too scared to continue.
"Wrex? Are u fine?" Stephen's voice brought me back to real life again. I shook my head in order to wave out the horrible memories.
"Ya I am good." I lied since the night has taken out most of me. He seemed have read my thoughts but decided to let go.
"What happened after that?" Alex asked.
I conserved myself and snapped out of it and gave the horrified news in one breath. "The first man took out the gun from his pocket and shot Mr. Eric right in the middle of his forehead."

Rose's POV
"I wonder where the boys went." Elina said exhaling a long sigh for the 11th time. We had been sitting in the school cafeteria for almost more than half an hour and all Elina has done was either wondered where the boys went or cursed sam for always coming in Stephen's and her way. But that's how she is and that's how I love her. We had been friends from the time as far as I can remember. We first meet in kinder garden and been besties ever since.
"Do you think he really likes me?" Elina's sudden question brook my chain of thoughts.
"Of course he likes you silly. Otherwise why would he have been coming to see you? I mean think about it. You have had almost 4 dates. he wouldn't have been there if he didn't felt for you."
"Then why did he ditch me this time?"
"Always remember one thing Elina, no matter how much a guy likes he would always choose his friends over you. That's how there psychology is."
"Ya right, like you have done a research on 'boys'?"
"No it's not like that. I read it in a magazine. You see there is this hormone which is released in more quantity in boys as compared to girls, which makes them more attached to their friends. So there is nothing you can do about it." I completed taking a sip of my mango drink. And all she did was made her left fly over head like a rocket and making the 'whoosh' sound signalling that all I said went a above her head. How typical to Elina, she dint even listen to a single word I had said. Why do I even try?
"All in all Stephen definitely likes you. Ok? Case dismisses." I said finishing my drink.
"Let's see." Was all she replied. And I just shook my head sideways.
Well she was entirely into Stephen. She liked him from the 8th grade when our classes were merged. And I had been the first one to whom she confessed her feelings to. It had been our secret ever since. But It wasn't until 10th grade that the two started getting on well. I had never ever told it to someone. We were best friend and I would never sell out her.
Actually she was all I had. My parents are always out of town for work. So I have to stay with my aunt marry. She isn't bad or something. It's also true that she had always taken care of me. But I still miss my parents. But Elina has always been there for me. She knew how lonely I was so she was always there by my side when I needed her.
"What makes you think he likes me?" Elina said and finished her coke in one breath. I had realised that she wanted some alone time so I stood up to leave and let out a big sigh before continuing.
"You see he always listens to you and cares for you so that's enough to say that he likes you and..."
I bended and looked her in her eyes just not to miss her reaction. "And I have seen him staring at you with his eyes full of love a dozen times. And when a boy keeps looking at you and hides it, it definitely means that he likes you and will never ever betray you." I winked at her before standing up straight and turning around.
"Looks at me with his eyes full of love and hide it ah? Stares at me for no reason and when someone notices pretends like he didn't even notice me? You mean just like 'he' looks at you?"
Her replied startled me. I didn't turn back. I didn't have courage to face her. So I continued my way ahead. I didn't want to answer. No I didn't want to believe the fact that she was right.
"Whatyaver!" I replied without turning back.
"Its 'Whatever' not 'Whatyaver' " I could hear her screaming but I had already left.
I decided to go on school's terrace for some fresh air. That's where I always go when I need some 'Me Time' to think.
I had barley reached the top when I noticed that the safety railing from one of the corner was missing.
I ran to look down and Saw a crowd of people gathering below.
"Did you did it? Did you pushed her down the railing?" A man said pointing up towards me. Suddenly the entire crowd was looking up at me.
I suddenly noticed that a lady was laying in a puddle of blood at the ground.
And it suddenly came to my mind that I had been accused of her
Author's note.
Too many murders isn't it?
Well I have changed the name of some characters. So if you see any mistakes please tell me.
If there are any mistakes in the writing also then please bring them to my notice. Any suggestions are always accepted.
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