Chapter 3

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"Shawn... as in Shawn Whittacker?" I asked.

"Yea... how'd you know?"

"Shawn and I have a erm... history."

"What do you mean a history?" her curiosity obviously peaked.

"I'd rather not talk about it." I said.

"Liam, I shared with you... now its your turn."

I sighed then looked at the clock.

3:38 AM

"Fine. If you wanna know so bad."

She listened intently through my story. Until the end that is. Then Melody became horrified.

"Wait... he did what?" she asked in complete shock.

"He stalked my sister after she broke up with him. It got to the point where she was afraid to go out on her own. Well, one day she did and he was following her. Leanne was so afraid she picked up her pace and began running. He of course ran after her and she was too concerned to watch where she was going..." I paused as tears fell down my cheeks. "She tripped and fell into the street. A car came and since she was on the ground they couldn't see her they... they..." I tried to regain my composure but it was no use. this happened exactly a year ago today according to the calendar. I tried to stop thinking about my twin sister but I couldn't. She meant the world to me. Leanne was my little sister by approximately 4 minutes and I will never forget her.

Melody tried to console me but I was a wreck. I could see her glancing around and when her eyes fell to me calendar on the wall beside us I guess she put two and two together.

"Oh my g- Liam I am so sorry. I had no idea. You didn't have to tell me. It was none of my business."

"No, no, I needed to tell someone... It was just this huge weight I was carrying around and I feel a bit better after saying it out loud. Thanks for Melody. You don't know how much that meant to me."

"No problem Liam." she said engulfing me in a large hug.

"I think its time we both went to sleep." Mel said breaking the silence.

She kissed my cheek and walked over to her bed.

"Night Liam"

"Night Melody." I said still in shock as she turned the light off.

She just kissed my cheek.

Melody just kissed my cheek.

Her lips made contact with my cheek.

I cannot function.


I tried to go to sleep but everytime I fell asleep I had the same dream and I woke up thinking the same thoughts.

What if I had been there?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2013 ⏰

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