Chapter 7: The Preparation

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I went to the lake to swim. I wanted to relax. I took my furry vest off. Then my boots. Then I finally jumped in. I was thinking about that guy Clark. What if he'a a traitor? Like Heather? Then what if he hurts Astrid? I have to investigate this guy. I will wait for midnight if i have to. I swam around thinking of Astrid. I was guilty for everything i did. I just wanted to know if she feels the same. But i guess i was extremely wrong. I wish i didnt do that. I dont know how to tell her. Maybe ill just say that i wanted to know if he still hates Heather's guts. Yeah! Thats perfect! Ill say it right now! I wore my clothes fastly and then i finally ran to Berk. (Yes, i didnt bring Toothless.) I went to her house. I was sure she was with Clark. I knocked at the door. No one answered. Thats when I realized everyone was in the Great Hall. 4 more hours and we were gonna start. I ran. I opened the gigantic doors, and searched for Astrid. I saw her sitting on a bench alone. She seemed pretty serious. I went to sit with her. "Hey. Are you okay?" I asked her while I placed my hand on her back. "Im fine." "Listen, i wanted to say sorry about my unsusual behavior lately. Im sorry Astrid. I was stupid treating you like that. I- i was a fool. Forgive me?" I asked her. I hope she'll forgive me now. "Hm." He looks at me and says: "Sit down." I sat down. "I forgive you now. I forgive you a lot now. I feel better you pleaded for my forgiveness. I feel a lot better now." Then, Clark arrived. "Who's this Astrid?" Asks that little- "oh! Um Clark, my friend Hiccup. The Dragon Conquerer. He was the one who had the idea to TRAIN our dragons." She says. "Oh! I heard all about you!" "Your Father must've told you. Your father hates us.'' I say feriously. "Um. Theres a lot to explain HICCUP!!!" Astrid grabbed me and pulled me away. "Hiccup, doesnt mean that his father is madly insane means he's evil too! Hes different from his dad and he doesnt like it when someone reminds him that his dad is Alvin! Hiccup, please dont tell that to him. I avoided jealousy with Heather. You should avoid being jealous with him too!" I looked at her. Both her eyebrows were raised. "Hiccup, for once in my life, i met a guy who i know i can also trust. A guy my age. You know i trust you too and Fishlegs, but he's different. I dont even know him! Please! I got jealous of Heather because you guys dont have time to talk to me now. But he's my crying shoulder. He's my shoulder. I tell him my feelings and he comforts me. Just, dont fight with him." I dont understand her anymore. She's jealous!!??? I mean, i am too. But, i never thought she was jealous. I mean....

Astrid's POV

I went to Clark. "Sorry about that Clark. He's just in a bad a very bad mood lately. Im saying sorry for him."

"Nah, dont sweat it. Its okay. Everybody says that." He's so nice, i like that about him. Then Stoick went up the stage and announced: "Alright every one!!! Do you remember your dance steps!? I hope you do! Because 2 more hours, well start our Celebration!! Get ready everybody.!!!!" Then a big drumroll sound was heard.

"Im really nervous Clark." He held both my hands and i was shocked. He looked at me deeply and saud: "Its alright. We all feel like that all the time. I feel like that too. Were going to perform in front of 10,000 people from different islands. All of them are here. And 2 of us are going to perform in front of all of them. There's no big deal." I was super blushed. My cheeks were so red it was going to explode. "Alright. Shall we practice again?" "We shall." I giggled. We practiced and laughed for a while. But i knew someone was there. Watching giving away dirty looks. It was........... Hiccup.

(UNEDITED AND DISCONTINUED) What Astrid Had To Do Where stories live. Discover now