Chapter 7

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Shane POV

Kalel and I walked through the door not knowing what to expect. When I got in there was nobody there that I could see. A note was on the table it read

"At the store be home soon -mom"

Kalel and I were getting something to eat and my dad walked into the kitchen.

Shane dad: Hey son.

He said this with a very creepy voice and Kalel ran over to me.

Shane: What do you want?

I was scared and irritated at the same time. My voice cracked and revealed that I was terrified of him.

Shane dad: I can't see my family?

Shane: Not after what you did to us, you abused us and left us.

Shane dad: Oh well, and who might this little girl be?

He was being super creepy and brushed his hands on Kalel's face, Kalel was already pressed against me and hugging me but every time he spoke her grip got tighter.

Shane: This is my best friend Kalel.

Shane dad: I figured you would have a girlfriend but I guess not because your worthless and I'm surprised this girl even pays attention to you.

That was when Kalel got really angry.

Kalel: You know what I don't care what you think about Shane and he would be the best boyfriend in the world but he is in a relationship and I have no chance with him even tough he is a great guy. He is like a brother to me so don't you ever talk about him like that again.

Shane dad: And who is this your in a relationship with what is her name?

Shane: You don't need to know.

He walked over to me and pushed Kalel away. Then he grabbed my shirt and said.

Shane dad: What is her name?

Shane: HIS name is Joey.

Joey POV

I really missed Shane I know we just started dating but it was only 6 so I figured I would stop by his house.

I got ready and walked to Shane's house. Ten minutes later I was on Shane's porch and I knocked on the door. The door opened and it was a strange man.

Joey: Hi I'm Joey, is Shane here.

Shane dad: Yeah he said s just in here.

I walked in the kitchen and there was Shane with bruises on his face. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek.

Shane dad: Stop being disgusting little faggots.

Joey: And who are you to tell us what to do.

Shane dad: I'm Shane's dad.

I was in shock I have heard about his dad and from what I heard he was a giant asshole. At that moment Shane grabbed the back of my neck and slammed his lips onto mine and kissed me passionatly. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed him back, I didn't care who was watching even if a homophobic fuckhead was watching I was just enjoying the moment. Then Shane still kissed me but took one hand off my neck and flipped his dad off. Kalel started cheering I tried not to laugh but I was hard not to.

Shane POV

I released Joey but he stayed in my arms with his head

on my shoulder.

Shane: So what do you think of that dad, although you were never a father to me and you made my life a living fucking hell.

Shane dad: I think that I gonna beat your gay lover's little gay ass.

I stood in front of Joey that way my "dad" couldn't touch him.

Shane dad: Well this is taking way too long I'll be back for you and I will make you straight if I have to hurt him so goodbye.

He pointed to Joey and then he left.

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