Chapter 7

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I looked at the clock and it had been nearly 3 hours since she went into surgery. So far everything was going good. We don't know how much longer it will take. As the 3rd hour hit the phone rang. Matt jumped this time and answered.

“Hello?...Yes this is her brother...I understand...Yes thank you very much.” He said then hung up.

“What did they say dear?” Val was the first to ask as I jumped to my feet to stare at my friend.

“She is doing good they say that they are having difficulty with the nerve ending's that are wrapped around the spinal cord. If they make a wrong move then they could paralyze her. Becky said she would check back in an hour.” Matt stated looking directly at me. All I could do was nod and sit back down. I looked around at our family Matt and Val were curled up in a chair, as were Zacky and Gena, and Lacey and Johnny. My dad and mom were sitting with the boys who were currently cuddled up to each of them. I looked around curiously not finding the last person who was not there, Leana. I saw Lacey point out of the waiting room and I got her hint. I left the waiting room in search of Leana, I found her standing by the window just staring off into space.

“Leana, are you alright?” I asked as I stepped up next to her.

“Fine Brian fine.” She answered in a mono tone. If you think I believed her your dead wrong.

“Lea come on I know you better than that. Your worried about Tari aren't you?” She just nodded and I wrapped my arms around her pulling her into a hug. She just let go at that point. I just held onto her until she chose to release the hug.

“Did they call yet?” She asked me.

“Yes she is doing good but it's really tricky so they aren't sure how much longer it will be.” I told her. She nodded her head and stared back out the window like when I found her.

“What are you thinking about?” She looked at me and laughed shaking her head.

“Do you remember your birthday party that Tari put together after you two started dating?” She asked with a giggle. God did I!

“That was one of the best parties we have ever had.” I told her as I thought about it.


Tari and I have only been together for a few months and I know she is going to plan something for my birthday. Even though I told her not too. But if I know my woman she is going to go all out for me. She did it for Alec's 13th birthday party. She even got us to play a song at his party and she also got a few other bands to play too.

I wonder what she has planned for my birthday. I was so deep in thought that I didn't think twice at all the cars in my drive way. As I walked in the house I called out to Tari “Babe I'm home.” Only to be met with silence. I called out again and was once again met with silence. I head up to our room to see if she was doing something up there. When I opened the door I saw that the room was lite by candles. I saw the note on the bed and picked it up.

'Brian follow the petals and you will find your present. Happy Birthday baby'

Sweet she does have something up her sleeve. I sure hope she is my present, now that would be the best. I followed the petals into our bathroom and found another note.

'Keep going your almost there!'

This is a goose chase. I found myself back downstairs and walking towards the patio. Maybe she is in the hot tub. I opened the doors and was blown away with 'SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIAN!' Everyone shouted at me. She gave me a surprise party. Everyone wished me well and I finally got to see Tari.

“Thank you babe this was awesome.” I said as I gave her a kiss.

“Nothing but the best for my man!” She said holding me tight.

I mingled with our friends and family having dinner and cake. I can't believe Tari made my birthday cake identical to my guitar in black and purple. You have know idea how much I am falling in love with this woman, MY WOMAN. Suzy and my dad took my little sister and the boys to their house for the night. That was when the real party started.

At some point in the evening I heard the door bell ring and went to answer it only to find Tari at the door arguing with someone. When I got closer I saw it was Steve and Michelle, what now?

“Listen Tari we just wanted to wish Brian a Happy Birthday, there is nothing wrong with that.” Steve told her.

“No you both can leave there is no reason for you to be here.” Damn she's sexy when she is mad.

“Listen here you Irish husband stealing bitch, get the fuck out of my house and leave my husband alone.” Michelle said poking Tari in the shoulder. BIG mistake Tari came unglued.

“Let me enlighten you about your comment first. Yes I am Irish, yes I am a bitch proud of both. As far as the husband stealing part I think you have laid claim on that market. Now as for getting the fuck out of YOUR house and leave YOUR husband alone, THIS IS BRIAN'S FUCKING HOUSE, BRIAN IS NOT YOUR HUSBAND ANY MORE. YOU HAVE A NEW HUSBAND AND A NEW HOUSE. SO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE NOW OR I WILL CALL THE FUCKING COPS.” She screamed at Michelle. Then Michelle pulled her arm back to hit Tari but she missed. Tari ducked and then punched Michelle in the face. Michelle lunged at her and they were in full blown fight mode and my woman, yes MY WOMAN WAS KICKING THE SHIT OUT OF MY EX WIFE, HOLY HOTNESS. I called out to our family outside for help to get Steve and Michelle out of here. When the guys saw Tari on top of Michelle kicking her ass they stopped in their tracks mouths open eyes bugging out! The girls saw it and went to pull Tari off of Michelle. Leana and Lacey got Tari. Val and Gena got Michelle.


Steve collected Michelle and started back towards the door.

“Steve if you or Michelle ever come back to my house or Tari's house I will have you arrested for trespassing, is that understood. Oh Michelle be thankful I haven’t called the cops and had you taken in for assault.” They turned and left, Val shut the front door then everyone went out back except me and Tari. I took a hold of her hands in mine and started checking every inch of her all she had was a scratch on her cheek.

“You alright babe?” She nodded her answer to me. I would die if she was ever hurt.

“You really kicked her ass.” I told her making her blush. I took her to our bathroom to clean up the scratch. I picked her up and set her on the counter then turned to get the first aid kit from under the sink.

“You know that was a very unexpected birthday present.” I told her as I started to clean the scratch.

“God Bri I am so sorry I shouldn't have lost it like that.” She said with tears on the verge of falling.

“You have nothing to be sorry about babe, and really to be honest, I am really turned on right now. And if we didn't have a house full of guests right now I would take you right here on the bathroom counter. Watching you lay claim to me and beat the shit out of her was just wow hot!” I whispered in her ear. I felt the shivers go through her.

“Bri lock the doors NOW!” She demanded and I did so. When I returned to her it was on.

~~~End Flashback~~~

That was one of the best birthday's ever and the birthday sex was beyond anything I could have ever imagined.

“You know its really funny how Michelle won't even come near Tari without someone around.” Leana laughed.

“Lea she's going to be fine.” I reassured her, seeing her nodded her answer to me.

“It's almost time for an update, lets go back in.” She said.

“One more thing before we go back in. Leana I know you are scared of losing her like you lost Jimmy but we have to think positively that everything will be alright.” I told her giving her a hug as we went to join the others to get an update on Tari.


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