New Secret?

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Taylor starts to call her boyfriend Kenneth to tell him about the exciting news. But what's weird is that as soon as Taylor calls the phone goes to an automatic voice mail.

Huh? That's strange. He always answers my calls and text. Well maybe I should call again.

Again with the same response, Taylor starts to call 8 more times. With nothing working Taylor's imagination starts to kick in.

What if Kenneth is avoiding me?!? I called like 10 times and I would think he'd pick up by now........I know! I'll go to his house and see if he's there.

*knock knock* Hello anyone home?

As the door opened suprsingly Kenneth was at the door. Kenneth was a flower in a cave. Beautiful brown hair you can glide your fingers into but he's not a jock. He is well anything. You can never predict what Kenneth Villa is thinking. He wasn't too bad at popularity either but don't jump to conclusions. He is himself all the time and absolutely no "pretty boy" act.

"Oh hey um.....what are you doing at my house? Omg did we have I date I forgot about?!? Let me go get ready."

It was hard to tell if Taylor was dressing up or just put something on. She seemed to look fancy in anything.
Before Kenneth can leave the brick doorway Taylor grabbed his arm.

You know darn well we didn't have any scheduled dates today. And please tell me you lost your phone 5 minutes ago.

"Uh no why?" Kenneth asking ever so innocent.

Uhhhhh I don't know maybe that I called you like a thousand times!

" did? I didn't........know at all......" Kenneth said suspiciously.

If you had to give a medal to the worst lier in the world it would be to Kenneth. Even his baby sister can tell when his is lying and she's 5 years old!

Kenneth there better be a darn good reason that you are lying because-

"I'M SOOOO NOT LYING! Ok I'm lying." Kenneth said in defeat "But only so you wouldn't find out about Emma."


Emma was a gorgeous dirty blonde. Taylor and Emma use to be friends until Emma stole her best friend Callie. Taylor is still friends with Callie but not Emma. And now she is back in her boyfriend's house!


"Dissing you? What? First Taylor I would never and second we were gonna babysit for the Jeffersons." Kenneth explained with that annoying amazing twinkle in his light brown/green eyes.

So your not cheating on me and avoiding me so I won't know and die inside?

"I like you too much to do that to you." Kenneth said with a cute low voice.

Taylor had started blushing a soon as he looked into her eyes like it was a spell.

"Anyway if I wanted to cheat on you it would have to be with a cute blonde that wears-" Kenneth stopped as soon as he saw Taylor turning around to walk away.

Before Taylor started walking leaving Kenneth alone, Kenneth reached out to grab her arm and he twirled her to face him. Swooping in kissing Taylor on the lips. As Taylor blushes like a fan that just got a hug from their idle Kenneth smoothly says

"Your my only. Now would you like to come in?"

Sey! I mean ugh......*face palm*

Everytime Taylor gets talked to by a person that complimented her she says her words backwards. Everyone called her "backwards Brand" and Kenneth was the only one who helped her.

"Heh I miss that from you." Kenneth said with a cute smirk.

If you don't answer my ten calls again you will be missing more than my backwards talk.

Taylor flipped her hair and walked from the porch to the inside the house just to find an ex - friend sitting on the couch.

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