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The sun was shining pretty bright as I crept down the wooded path. It's been a whole 4 years since this started, but I can still picture all of it. The chaos, the death, my mother being bit...

Stop! I mentally shouted at myself. Thinking about that only made things worse, the emptiness, loneliness. It's been a year since I started looking for my brothers and nothing, nothing! Maybe I should just give up. Snap! My head turns in that direction and in my wondering I had failed to see or hear the walkers that were coming behind me.

"Crap" I mumbled to myself as I pull out my crossbow and nock an arrow just in case. I take off running noticing that there are more walkers coming there has to be about 10 or 15 now. I turn and take one out with my arrow that came to close for comfort. Not wanted to nock another arrow or lose another I swing my crossbow over my shoulder and reach for my sword and keep running. But then my stupid clumsiness makes me trip on a rock and fall face first on the forest flower. Ouch I think to myself mentally. I turn and feel pain in my leg and look down to see a huge gash that the rock had made.

"Crap, crap, crap" I say as I try to pull myself up to my feet and stand there wobbling. Quickly I grab my sword and kill the closet walker. I try to turn and run but the gash is making that incredibly hard and I fall on my face.

"This is not how I go" I say to myself and stand up ready to face what I have too, when an arrow goes shooting past me and in another second another and a gunshot until there is not a walker left. One of those arrows came to close to my head, and even if I'm glad to whoever saved me they are still going to hear it.

"What the heck was that?! You could have hit me!" I say turning around anger on my face. But that anger turns to shock as I see the two people. And one of them just happens to be my brother.

"Daryl" I say in a whisper..

Carl's POV

I needed to get out on this run. Ever since my mom died life has been hard. My Dad went crazy for a time, didn't talk to anyone, walked around chasing nothing. I've been cooped up in the prison for days, and I'm just glad to be out. I watch Daryl track an animal we've been hunting for the last hour or so and just walk behind him trying to understand what he's doing. Then he stops almost causing me to barrel into him. He gives me a look and I just look sheepishly at him.

"See those" He says "There human tracks, not walkers, but alive"

I stare at them to see that he is right. I look at him and say "So" in that dumb teenager voice.

He just looks at me and walks away, following the tracks. About a few minutes into that he stops and hides behind one of the trees motioning for me to do the same. We both slowly peek out to see a girl about my age with her back turned to us. She had beautiful brown hair and it was super long about almost to her waist that was tied in a braid. And don't even get me started on her body... Carl focus! I yelled at myself. I started to move when Daryl put his hand up. Wait he wants me to wait and not help the girl? 

But I stay put knowing if I don't do what he says, no more runs for me. We both watch as she tries to turn and run but she falls. That's when we both notice she is bleeding and not from a bite most likely. She stands and readies herself to face the walkers. The next thing i know is Daryl is shooting arrows and I start shooting as well. When all the walkers are gone she stands still for a second them turns to face us.

"What the heck was that?! You could have hit me!" She says anger clearly on her face. But as she looks at Daryl her anger turns to shock and she whispers one thing. A name


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